Cooking recipes for vegetarians

2290 recipes
Cinema salad and beans

Oriental cuisine is visual evidence of how well Kinoa is combined with legumes. In this salad, I recommend using not only beans, but also something else-for example, chickpeas or lentils. And for piquancy, add grass and sharp pepper.

Bars with nuts and oatmeal

Such energy bars are a delicious dessert and an excellent everyday snack. At the heart - oatmeal and nuts. On the one hand, the treat is quite high -calorie. And on the other, you will not eat it much.

Star in Georgian

The most kitchens of the world are in the most part of the world, because in fact it is just stew with vegetables. What could be simpler and more universal? I really love Georgian stew, because it turns out to be brighter, spicy and piquant. I tell you!

Yellow tomatoes with zucchini for the winter

In winter, there are constantly not enough colors, and you have to add them to life on your own. I offer a great way - a colorful workpiece of yellow tomatoes. It is enough to get a jar from the closet - and now the mood is a little better!

Carrot in Korean with wine vinegar

It is difficult to imagine a feast without this popular snack. Each housewife has his own recipe, proven for years. I like to cook carrots with wine vinegar. The taste is softer, and the dish is juicier. Although much, of course, depends on the vegetable itself.

Lecho with cucumbers for the winter

The pantries will not be considered complete if you do not prepare a lecho from Bulgarian pepper for the winter. I hasten to share an interesting option for all my favorite sour -sour snack - we will prepare a lecho with cucumbers. Take the recipe for a note, it turns out tasty and unusual.

Pickled beets for the winter without sterilization

Why preserve beets for the winter, if you can buy it year -round at any store? This is so, but we will harvest boiled and already cleaned beets, which in winter can immediately be put into business, bypassing the stage of prolonged cooking. Agree, conveniently!

Muffins without gluten

The most diverse muffins can be adapted to any preferences and needs. For example, they are very easy to cook without gluten. This is a good option for those who avoid it, and for everyone who just likes to try something new.

Pizza with broccoli

Fans of vegetable pizza will definitely like such a broccoli recipe. Just keep in mind that its inflorescences are better to weld a little in advance. Pizza is baked very quickly, and they can remain too tough and hard.

Vegetarian hot dog with baked carrots, oyster mushrooms and avocados

Vegetarian hot dogs are also. They are prepared from fragrant vegetables and greens, selecting various combinations to their taste. It turns out very tasty with baked carrots, pickled oyster mushrooms and avocados. Try it and you will like it!

Lenten cake Brownie

Even your favorite desserts can be adapted to a lean diet - the modern choice of alternatives and substitutes allows you to do this. Moreover, this may not be the simplest desserts. For example, lean brownie. Children and adults will be delighted!

Blacks' jam for the winter

The blackberry has an expressive, but at the same time very balanced taste. And the jam from it turns out exactly the same. Usually we eat it with toasts for tea or ice cream. But somehow I even made a berry sauce from it to steaks.

Blackcurrant jelly without sterilization

When it comes to home berry jelly, I recall grandmother's cans with blanks of red and black currants. Distilled by new -fangled desserts, these goodies have lost their relevance over time. But how sometimes you want something natural!

Sweets with peanut paste and coconut chips

I want to share with you an unusual delicious recipe for home vegan sweets. You will need an arachical paste, coconut chips and a few more ingredients that I will talk about next. By the way, this is also very fast!

Spinach salad and pumpkin

The pumpkin for this salad is best frying on the grill, but you can bake or cook in any other convenient way. Of the cheeses, I prefer Fetu or Brynza. But I advise you to leave the spinach unchanged - it turns out beautiful and tasty.

Pickled red -haired

Redcoms are rightfully considered “tsarist mushrooms”. In taste and protein content, they are inferior only to booths and white mushrooms. They are beautiful in fried and stewed form, but pickled redders cause special gastronomic pleasure. I share a proven recipe

Spinach taboo, mushrooms and cheese

A classic tabul is a bulgur, tomatoes and cilantro. I suggest you try an alternative version from a movie with spinach, mushrooms and cheese. I tell you how to cook it correctly and what to pay attention to in the process!

Carrot and wood mushroom salad

For this recipe, choose wood mushrooms popular in Asian cuisine. For example, Shiitaka. It is very convenient to cut them with thin strips, and they are delightfully combined to taste with carrots.


Such an unusual salad could be called a side dish, but still he is too self-sufficient for this. The combination of Kinoa with lentils is very unexpected, but at the same time interesting. And spinach and carrots are added to the dishes.

Purple onion and rosemary salad

A salad of purple onions and rosemary only seems so simple. This is one of the most universal snacks that can be prepared in general for the winter. I advise you to stock up on for the future and serve separately or add to other dishes.

Culinary recipes for vegetarians with photos - simple and tasty!

The hardest thing when searching for vegetarian recipes is finding something that is really clear and detailed. Especially if you have recently become a vegetarian and are preparing such dishes for the first time, and still have no idea what the result should be in the end. Uncertain quantities of ingredients, complex processes, lack of time guidelines - all this can kill enthusiasm in the bud. That is why on my website I collect step-by-step recipes with photos and all the details of each stage of preparation. This is much more convenient and easier even for experienced cooks, let alone beginners! You no longer have to figure out the details yourself and doubt the future result!

I will tell you about recipes for vegetarian dishes for all occasions and you will understand that even plant foods have a lot of recipes and tastes. Hundreds of quick and easy recipes, first courses, main courses, salads, appetizers, desserts and baked goods - each recipe comes with a photo of the finished dish. And each new step is described in detail down to the smallest detail. My goal is to collect not just a large catalog of culinary recipes, but a lot of really useful and practical instructions for vegetarians like me!