Cooking recipes for vegetarians

2290 recipes
Povidlo from Tern

Povidlo from Tern is a great blank for the winter. Tender, moderately sweet, with a slight tart flavor, it is suitable as a filling in sweet pastries or just for evening gatherings over a cup of tea. To pancakes, pancakes, cheesecakes or cottage cheese - perfect!

Canned patch beans in half an hour

Most recipes for canned patch beans are long and tiring. But I have a secret that will help you significantly speed up the process! You can purchase the same secret ingredient at any pharmacy - this is just aspirin!

Lenten Ukrainian borsch with vegetables

Classic Ukrainian borscht is a rich meat dish. But what if you like his taste so much, but you want to do without meat? In fact, this is simpler, and further in the recipe I will tell you what vegetables you will need, how much and how to cook them.

Dense jam from plums without bones

Povido from the drain according to this recipe is thick, fragrant and very tasty. It can be spread on bread, served to various desserts, or can be used for filling in sweet pastries. A real treat from a minimum of simple products!

Pea puree soup made of young peas

Young green peas soup is a bright and pleasant seasonal dish, which is so difficult to abandon. In fact, it can be prepared from frozen ingredients, but, of course, fresh ones are much tastier and more useful.

Canned sorrel for the winter

In my kitchen, sorrel is not a frequent guest. Once they gave me a whole armful of this plant, and it was urgent to come up with something. I decided to prepare for the winter, preserving the taste and benefits as much as possible. In winter, I used it for green borscht, shingles and unsweetened pies.

Lenten ice cream at home

The lean diet should not be poor and boring at all. Moreover, now there are so many alternatives to dairy products that you can always choose a successful solution. This time I will share with you my favorite recipe for lean ice cream at home.

Fast lean brine

A pickle on vegetable broth is good not only in that it suits the post and for vegetarians. It also prepares very quickly, because the longest in this process is to boil chopped potatoes. And everything else will take you a few minutes.

Salad with rice, beans and lentils

If you need a hearty salad for a full dinner or dinner - this is it. Rice, beans, lentils are quite a thorough dish. Then I will tell you how to cook it and what else can be added.

Pea porridge with dried tomatoes in pots

Pots are an ideal way to make pea porridge, if you do not want to constantly control the pan on the stove. They warm up evenly, and at the same time nothing will burn. You can serve porridge right in them or first transfer it to plates.

Coconut chips

A useful appetizer is sold in a healthy diet stores, but it can easily be prepared at home. I offer you a great recipe for coconut chips, which I often use myself. Before starting work, watch a video instruction on how to crack a coconut correctly.

Ajika from zucchini for the winter

Ajika from zucchini is an economical workpiece for the winter. It turns out to be moderately acute and pleasant to taste. It flies away at our house quickly! If you like it more, adjust the amount of pepper and garlic at your discretion. Like an alternative to store sauces - what you need!

Potato in a rustic, baked in acute sauce

One of the most popular dishes can be called potatoes in a nervous. It is appreciated for the simplicity of cooking, the availability of ingredients and, of course, a wonderful taste. Let's prepare appetizing potatoes in acute sauce today.

Pea porridge on the water

The delicious homemade porridge on the water can be prepared not only from cereal. For example, pea is made of hardened peas. This is a traditional dish of English and Polish cuisine. Often it is found in Russian culinary books.

Dolmio sauce at home for the winter

If you like Italian cuisine, then this recipe is specifically for you. I propose to prepare for the winter the delicious Saus Dolmio, which is perfect for paste, pizza and climbing. Dolmio, cooked at home - the best alternative to store sauces!

Courage for borsch from beets for the winter

Tax for borsch for the winter - must have for busy housewives. It is not difficult to cook it, but it is enough to save time. How conveniently open a jar in winter, add the contents to the boiling broth - and after 15 minutes a full fragrant homemade borsch is ready!

Fill of apples and raspberries for the winter

In my family, a compote of apples and raspberries is a favorite among such blanks. This incredibly aromatic drink is perfectly stored all winter, and the longer it costs, the more saturated and tastier it becomes. We use both on the festive table and for every day.

Borsch with zucchini and celery

If you love so that there are more guns and vegetables in the borsch, I offer such a recipe with zucchini and celery. You can add other ingredients to your taste. This time I propose to do without frying.

Vegan pancakes

For this recipe, sugar and eggs are not needed, and oatmeal is used instead of ordinary milk. It is better to fry pancakes in a dry pan or with the addition of a small amount of oil. Instead of honey, you can use sucrotor.

Tomatoes with apples for the winter

The end of summer and the beginning of autumn is the time to collect late varieties of tomatoes and their harvesting for the winter. Today I want to offer you an interesting recipe for tomatoes canned with apples. It turns out very tasty and fragrant. I advise you to choose small dense tomatoes.

Culinary recipes for vegetarians with photos - simple and tasty!

The hardest thing when searching for vegetarian recipes is finding something that is really clear and detailed. Especially if you have recently become a vegetarian and are preparing such dishes for the first time, and still have no idea what the result should be in the end. Uncertain quantities of ingredients, complex processes, lack of time guidelines - all this can kill enthusiasm in the bud. That is why on my website I collect step-by-step recipes with photos and all the details of each stage of preparation. This is much more convenient and easier even for experienced cooks, let alone beginners! You no longer have to figure out the details yourself and doubt the future result!

I will tell you about recipes for vegetarian dishes for all occasions and you will understand that even plant foods have a lot of recipes and tastes. Hundreds of quick and easy recipes, first courses, main courses, salads, appetizers, desserts and baked goods - each recipe comes with a photo of the finished dish. And each new step is described in detail down to the smallest detail. My goal is to collect not just a large catalog of culinary recipes, but a lot of really useful and practical instructions for vegetarians like me!