Cooking recipes for vegetarians

2290 recipes
Vegetarian pizza

From juicy tomatoes, olives and olives you can prepare a wonderful vegetarian pizza. I propose to knead the dough on yeast and olive oil, and grease the finished cake with tomato and pesto sauce. The taste will turn out to be complex, saturated and harmonious.

Pickled sweet pepper for the winter without sterilization

Pickled pepper - a snack that in winter “flies away” in two accounts! It can be served to any dishes, use it like a filling for baking, add to salads and gravy. Multi -colored pepper slices will decorate any table - everyday and festive.

Lenten coconut cake

Now there are so many alternatives to products of animal origin that a lean diet in variety has long been inferior to the usual. You can safely cook even full -fledged cakes. And such a lean coconut cake for tea will be a clear confirmation of this.

Cloudberry jam without bones

Cloudberry jam will not leave indifferent the sweet tooth and will definitely cause delight in children. Plus, this is a storehouse of vitamins in a cold season. This fragrant jam has one drawback - the treat is so quickly eaten that it may not reach the winter!

Pickled asparagus beans for the winter

The pickled asparagus beans for the winter is an original blank that can be served to the table, like an independent snack or side dish. Add piquant patch beans to all kinds of salads to diversify the diet in the cold season.

Pickled fried eggplant with carrots

If you first fry a little before pickling the eggplant, they become even more piquant and more interesting. In addition, the texture of the product is changing. I share my favorite everyday recipe with carrots and herbs.

Green salad with avocado and dried cranberry

This recipe is good for its versatility. As a basis, you can take absolutely any greens and leafy vegetables - from brass to curly cabbage. The second plus is that a salad with avocados and dried cranberries are prepared in just a few minutes.

Lean paste from beans

Usually sandwiches are prepared with sausage and cheese, but these products are prohibited in fasting, so you have to look for an alternative. A worthy option would be a lean paste from beans. A hearty snack quickly and for a long time eliminates hunger.

Salad with beans and avocado

This salad is a very universal Mexican snack. It can be served separately, use as a filling for tacos and burrito or supplement it with any other dishes. Choose small beans and smaller cut the avocado with the rest of the ingredients.

Funchose salad and young green peas

For this recipe, young green peas in pods are best suited. It can be fresh or frozen - it will still turn out well. In the recipe, I will tell you what else to add to it and how to cook funchosis.

Apricot compote for the winter without sterilization

A fragrant apricot compote is a simple and fast workpiece, which is 100% useful to you in the cold winter. The drink will like children and adults, diversify the menu and remind you of a hot summer. Suitable for both the festive table and for every day.

Tbilisi salad with eggplant

One of the main ingredients of Georgian cuisine is eggplant. It is not surprising that they are used in almost all dishes, including salads. Catch the excellent variation of the classic Tbilisi salad. Tasty, simple and very satisfying!

Vegetable salad with mushroom assorted

To give a new sound to the simplest vegetable salad, add several types of mushrooms to it. For example, champignons and honey mushrooms, or any others to their taste. Pickled workpieces, both home and purchased, are perfect.

Lecho from pepper and tomatoes for the winter

Lecho from tomatoes and Bulgarian pepper is a workpiece beloved by many housewives. In winter, such a snack significantly diversifies your diet by replacing salads from fresh vegetables. Serve as a cold snack as an addition to side dishes and meat dishes.

Humus from peas

Traditionally, Humus is made from chickpeas, but it can be replaced with ordinary stab peas. The recipe is not much different from the classic one. Pre -soaked peas are also boiled and crushed with the rest of the ingredients in a blender.

Cinema salad and vegetables

Kinoa with vegetables is not the most obvious combination, but nevertheless it is definitely worth your attention. This is a very original recipe in the traditions of oriental cuisine. It is necessary to serve the salad cold, so let it cool.

Mushroom salad and patch beans

I want to share with you one of the favorite fast salads of only two main ingredients - made of mushrooms and patch beans. From the dish, a great satisfying snack or even a side dish for meat is obtained.

Ajika from tomatoes and garlic for the winter

Today I will share the classic recipe for Adzhika. There are only tomatoes, pepper and garlic. The sauce is tasty, fragrant, balanced in salt and sharpness. It is prepared simply, does not require sterilization, it complements any side dishes, meat and fish dishes.

Apricot jars-five

Apricot jam with sun slices in transparent sweet syrup was always cooked by my grandmother. A slice of fresh bread with a fragrant treat, and with a glass of fresh milk ... Beautiful memories come from childhood! I share my grandmother's recipe.

Green Adzhika for the winter

Bright and fragrant green adjika is prepared without heat treatment, which means preserving the maximum number of vitamins. Add the sauce to enhance the taste to various meat and vegetable dishes or serve to the table, like a sharp spicy snack.

Culinary recipes for vegetarians with photos - simple and tasty!

The hardest thing when searching for vegetarian recipes is finding something that is really clear and detailed. Especially if you have recently become a vegetarian and are preparing such dishes for the first time, and still have no idea what the result should be in the end. Uncertain quantities of ingredients, complex processes, lack of time guidelines - all this can kill enthusiasm in the bud. That is why on my website I collect step-by-step recipes with photos and all the details of each stage of preparation. This is much more convenient and easier even for experienced cooks, let alone beginners! You no longer have to figure out the details yourself and doubt the future result!

I will tell you about recipes for vegetarian dishes for all occasions and you will understand that even plant foods have a lot of recipes and tastes. Hundreds of quick and easy recipes, first courses, main courses, salads, appetizers, desserts and baked goods - each recipe comes with a photo of the finished dish. And each new step is described in detail down to the smallest detail. My goal is to collect not just a large catalog of culinary recipes, but a lot of really useful and practical instructions for vegetarians like me!