Cooking recipes for vegetarians

2290 recipes
Nuts of nuts and seeds

In fact, preparing delicious home sweets from improvised ingredients at a time is more simpler than it seems. There are no complex culinary processes. Then I will tell you how to cook them from nuts and seeds.

Canned strawberries in syrup

Great recipe if you want to prepare strawberries for the winter with whole berries! Although especially large specimens, I still recommend cutting into several parts. So strawberries are even more so saturated with syrup and will be more tender.

Pickled beets with vinegar for winter without sterilization

Pickled beets are not only a spicy appetizer for the winter, but also a great semi -finished product for many dishes. We will pickle the beets with the boiled cleaned, which means that in winter it can be immediately added to any salad and even to borsch! I recommend!

Lenten cake Zebra

I want to share with you one of my favorite recipes of a zebra home cake. Yes, not ordinary, but lean. It turns out no less tasty and original, and no complex ingredients are needed for cooking. Then I will tell you about everything in more detail.

Vegan coconut ice cream

If you like coconut desserts, this is ice cream specifically for you. In addition, it does not have eggs and dairy products, so it is suitable even to vegans and people who do not use lactose. Try it on occasion - it is very tasty!

Eggplant caviar for the winter without sterilization

In the eggplant collection season, I recommend that you prepare aromatic caviar for the winter. In winter, such a workpiece greatly diversifies the diet and remind you of a warm summer. The recipe is simple and does not require additional sterilization. The basil gives the caviar a completely unique taste.

Carrots in Korean with cranberry and onions

A handful of fragrant cranberries will make the dish not only tastier, but also more useful. To compensate for the acid of berries, add more sugar. Try to mix the appetizer carefully, otherwise the cranberries will open and the dish will no longer be so beautiful.

Groove raspberry

Classic jam is not only long, but also unbearably hot. Especially if you make a lot of workpieces. I like fast recipes from a dolling berry more, and one of them just I want to share.

Sandwords with Humus

You can have a satisfying snack without meat. Do not believe? Try sandwiches with Humus and see for yourself. You can cook them with any bread, but I usually use black. Often, the appetizer is sprinkled with herbs, seeds of sunflower and linen.

Goro soup gas station for the winter

The gas station refueling is a real lifesaver for hostesses who do not have a large amount of free time. It is only necessary to add the workpiece to the boiling broth, and after 10-15 minutes a rich pea soup is ready. Convenient, isn't it?

Povidlo for the winter from pumpkin

There is a lot of recipes for jam and jams from pumpkin, and today I want to share the most beloved. Such a dense jam is adored by children, because it can be eaten directly by a spoon. And I like to add it to the filling for pies.

Kvass made of black bread at home

To cook delicious and aromatic bread kvass, unused pieces of dried black bread are suitable, which periodically appear in any kitchen. Home kvass perfectly refreshes on a summer day! The drink will be ready for consumption in a day.

Cream humus with tahini

A real humus should be juicy, air and with light creamy notes. This result is easy to achieve using Tahini. In addition, all ingredients should be of good quality, otherwise it will negatively affect the result.

Apricot jam with almonds

In an ordinary apricot jam, everything is fine, except that he was already terribly boring. Therefore, I decided to make a little diversity to the usual recipe. It turned out very tasty and interesting. Especially delight for children!

Pickled peas for the winter

We often use canned peas in salads, soups and other dishes. But not everyone knows that it can be prepared at home. It will turn out even tastier! Got a good harvest of green peas? Catch a simple recipe for a successful workpiece.

Home sweets with oatmeal and cranberry

Of all domestic sweets with dried fruits, I like these most - with oatmeal and cranberries. They are sweet, and with a light sourness, and simply very tender. And there are no figs and dates in them, which sometimes still need to be searched.

Bulgarian pepper with tomato paste without sterilization

It seems to me that this is the simplest recipe for lecho made of Bulgarian pepper, which can only be invented. The composition includes only pepper, tomato paste and spices. Prepared without sterilization and other difficulties. Fast, simple and very tasty! I recommend trying.

Flax seeds

There are much more options for how and from what to prepare chips than it seems at first glance. Moreover, some of them can even be useful, such as these chips from flax seeds, which even fans of proper nutrition will appreciate.

Salad with seaweed, corn and carrots

A great recipe when you need to put a light salad in haste. This usually takes no more than 10 minutes. I advise you to grind too long seaweed. It is more convenient to do this with kitchen scissors, but you can just cut it with a knife.

PP smoothie

All fans of proper nutrition know how convenient the format is darkness. This is a drink, and a full -fledged snack, and a limitless space for experiments. Moreover, it is so easy to prepare a dietary submarine. I share my favorite option!

Culinary recipes for vegetarians with photos - simple and tasty!

The hardest thing when searching for vegetarian recipes is finding something that is really clear and detailed. Especially if you have recently become a vegetarian and are preparing such dishes for the first time, and still have no idea what the result should be in the end. Uncertain quantities of ingredients, complex processes, lack of time guidelines - all this can kill enthusiasm in the bud. That is why on my website I collect step-by-step recipes with photos and all the details of each stage of preparation. This is much more convenient and easier even for experienced cooks, let alone beginners! You no longer have to figure out the details yourself and doubt the future result!

I will tell you about recipes for vegetarian dishes for all occasions and you will understand that even plant foods have a lot of recipes and tastes. Hundreds of quick and easy recipes, first courses, main courses, salads, appetizers, desserts and baked goods - each recipe comes with a photo of the finished dish. And each new step is described in detail down to the smallest detail. My goal is to collect not just a large catalog of culinary recipes, but a lot of really useful and practical instructions for vegetarians like me!