Cooking recipes for vegetarians

2290 recipes
Salad made of sauerkraut and prunes

Fragrant prunes are able to turn into a real masterpiece even the most ordinary cabbage salad. I like to cook from very acidic cabbage and always add a little sugar. This enhances the taste of the dish and gives even more juiciness.

Poke with tofu

I love the Hawaiian poke for the brightness, beauty, simplicity of cooking and a balance of tastes. And all this at the same time! Pock can be prepared with fish, or you can completely vegetarian. For example, with soy cheese tofu. I share my favorite recipe!

Salad with chickpeas, red beans and cherry tomatoes

Without meat, you can also cook a hearty salad. Try this simple recipe and make sure you yourself! Pour the chickpeas with cold water and cook for about 1 hour over low heat. You can reduce the time, having previously soaked it by 30-40 minutes.

Pickled pumpkin

One fine day I thought why, out of the habit of Marina, only cucumbers and tomatoes. There are so many interesting products around! This recipe for pickled pumpkin appeared for a long time and by chance, but, frankly, I am still proud of them.

Vegan pea soup in a slow cooker

Pea soup is not at all necessary to cook on meat or smoked meats. I’ll tell you how to make a home vegan version, and even cook it in a slow cooker. Serve it with greens, crackers or fried onions to taste.

Lenten tartlets

There is a stereotype that lean dishes are always boring and fresh. But in fact, they can be as diverse as ordinary ones. Including this applies to snacks. For example, if you like small tartlets for a home buffet, they can also be lean.

Lecho for the winter of pepper

I want to share a proven recipe for a delicious and aromatic lecho made of Bulgarian pepper for the winter. As a rule, this workpiece ends faster than it can be stored. The sweet and sour lecho approaches various side dishes and meat dishes. I advise you to cook!

Persians in syrup halves without sterilization for the winter

Persians in syrup are one of the delicious fruit blanks for the winter. Appetizing halves of fruits will decorate a sweet festive table. Syrup can be used to impregnate cakes, and if you dilute it with a small amount of water, you get a fragrant drink.

Barley porridge with mushrooms and corn

Many undeservedly forget about barley porridge, and completely in vain. This is a great variety against the background of more familiar rice, buckwheat and oatmeal. I propose to try such a hearty and useful option with mushrooms and corn.

Red cabbage salad

Red cabbage is even more useful than white - it has more antioxidants and vitamin C. And it is also a little denser and harder. In preparation, there are also a couple of my subtleties, and I will tell you about them further in the recipe.

Vegan cheesecakes without baking and sugar

It would seem that it is impossible to cook a vegan cheesecake because it is preparing from cheese. But in reality, the current variety of ingredients quite allows us to experiment even with such a non -banal task. In addition, we will do it without sugar and without baking.

DIY sweets and nuts

The fastest and most simple way to prepare delicious and healthy home sweets is to make sweets. If you take the nuts and dates as a basis, you will not need almost any efforts and skills from you. And in the end, a hearty pp is a snack and a treat for tea.

Mushroom salad

This recipe has two main features. Firstly, you will definitely need several different types of pickled mushrooms. It doesn’t matter whether they are cooked together or separately. Secondly, you need to put on the bow a little in advance. I tell you!

Pumpkin soup and lentils

The lentil with pumpkin is one of the most harmonious combinations in soups, cereals and mashed potatoes. I suggest you make sure this in practice! Anyone is suitable - they differ only in cooking time, so look at the recommendations of the manufacturer.

Borschevka for the winter from beets

If you have never harvested borschs for the winter, let's do it together. In winter, add the contents of the jar to boiling broth, and a fragrant borsch will not make yourself wait long (one 0.5 liter of jars is enough for me to cook 4 liters of borscht).

Pickled waves for the winter

Pickled waves are a delicious winter appetizer. In order for canned mushrooms to be safe for health, it is very important to strictly observe the cooking technology. Choose only fresh young waves for conservation, without flaws and worms.

Pyatiminuta from apples

Today I want to share a fairly successful recipe for apple-fifth apple jam with the addition of lemon. The treat is not cooked for long, your participation requires minimal, but it turns out tasty and fragrant, with a pleasant unobtrusive sourness.

Ajika from tomatoes for the winter

In the season of collecting vegetables and winter blanks, many housewives want to cook homemade adjika. The moderately sharp, sweet and sour spicy sauce can not be compared with the store and is suitable for a huge many dishes. If you like it more, do not clean the sharp pepper from the seeds.

Gooseberry with orange for the winter

Today I will tell you a recipe for making “live” jam from gooseberries with orange. The recipe does not imply cooking, which means all the benefits of the berries are preserved as much as possible. The treat is tasty, with a delicate aroma and citrus mocking. I recommend!

Home lemonade

I want to share a recipe for tonic home lemonade with a balanced taste and aroma of spicy herbs and citrus fruits. Such a drink is simply indispensable in the summer heat and 100% will like your household. And making a drink is easier than you think.

Culinary recipes for vegetarians with photos - simple and tasty!

The hardest thing when searching for vegetarian recipes is finding something that is really clear and detailed. Especially if you have recently become a vegetarian and are preparing such dishes for the first time, and still have no idea what the result should be in the end. Uncertain quantities of ingredients, complex processes, lack of time guidelines - all this can kill enthusiasm in the bud. That is why on my website I collect step-by-step recipes with photos and all the details of each stage of preparation. This is much more convenient and easier even for experienced cooks, let alone beginners! You no longer have to figure out the details yourself and doubt the future result!

I will tell you about recipes for vegetarian dishes for all occasions and you will understand that even plant foods have a lot of recipes and tastes. Hundreds of quick and easy recipes, first courses, main courses, salads, appetizers, desserts and baked goods - each recipe comes with a photo of the finished dish. And each new step is described in detail down to the smallest detail. My goal is to collect not just a large catalog of culinary recipes, but a lot of really useful and practical instructions for vegetarians like me!