Cooking recipes for vegetarians

2290 recipes
Eggplant with tomatoes for the winter without sterilization

I offer you another option for canned eggplant snacks for the winter. The recipe without sterilization, everything is prepared quickly and very simple. Even a beginner will cope! Such a workpiece diversifies your menu and will become a delicious addition to many dishes.

Pearl barriers with carrots and dried fruits in a slow cooker

A very original addition to banal pearl barley porridge is carrots and dried fruits. Moreover, I recommend that carrots take a young one so that it is as juicy and sweet as possible. This recipe is for all owners of multicoars and fans of proper nutrition in one person.

Pickled oils for the winter

It is difficult to find a person who does not like canned forest mushrooms. Such a workpiece is the center of attention on the festive table. Prepare the mushrooms correctly and enjoy the excellent taste of snacks without risk to health. I share a recipe for pickled oils.

Multi -colored sandwich for children

We all know how many children love sandwiches. But, unfortunately, these sandwiches are far from always as useful as we would like. But there is a way out! Catch a great idea for every day! Choose a good whole -grain bread and cook an exceptionally useful snack!

Classic tkemali from cherry plum for the winter

Georgian sauces are rightfully considered the most appetizing and saturated in the world. To prepare a delicious, sour Tkemali made of cherry plums with aromatic notes of spices, herbs and spices you can according to this simple recipe. The sauce is ideal for meat dishes and barbecue.

Pickled oils without sterilization

Canned mushrooms - the decoration of any festive table. I propose to prepare pickled oils for the winter. This recipe is quite simple and does not imply sterilization. Take only freshly combined mushrooms for conservation, in which you are 100% sure

Beetroot without cabbage with tomato paste for the winter

In fact, almost any favorite soup can be rolled up for the winter if desired. This beetroot was originally an experiment, but the experiment was completely successful, so I share the results. Prepare it without cabbage, but with tomato paste.

Pickled mushrooms Ginger hotly for the winter

If, as a result of quiet hunting, you brought home a full basket of red -hairs, use this simple recipe to marin them in the winter hot. The mushrooms are tasty, crispy, moderately salty and very tender. Try it, very tasty!

Lenten charlotte

In this recipe, eggs and milk are not used. Nevertheless, a lean charlotte is very tasty. Many prepare it even if there is no need to limit themselves in nutrition. Try this recipe and you will replenish the ranks of its fans.

Cucumbers in their own juice for the winter

Recently I discovered a new recipe - salty cucumbers in their own juice. Any fruits are suitable for the workpiece: both young and overripe. Grind large cucumbers into the cucumber mass, and use the small ones entirely. It turns out very tasty, I recommend!

Stuffed champignons with vegetables and herbs

One of my favorite vegetarian snacks is fast, simple, tasty and satisfying. Sprinkle with chopped herbs - and no one can resist such beauty. I tell you what vegetables you can stuff the champignons and how much to bake them.

Canapes with vegetables-croils and herbs

Gril vegetables are always more useful and tastier just fried. It does not matter whether you have a barbecue or a special pan - such canapes will always be good. Be sure to decorate them with chopped herbs or green onions before serving.

Beetroot, potatoes and onions

These products are in every house. Cook them, cut them as you like, and the mouth -watering salad is ready. Lemon juice can be replaced with lime juice, wine or apple cider vinegar. Lighter sourness will shade the taste and make the dish more interesting.

Viburnum without bones

Preparing a jelly from viburnum for the winter is a good idea. This is a delicious dessert to the sweet table, and a real healing tool to maintain immunity in the cold season. I prepared different blanks of viburnum, but I like this recipe the most.

Sea buckthorn tea

Delicious, slightly talked, moderately sour, sea buckthorn tea - a real “vitamin bomb” for immunity in the season of colds and viral diseases. To make the drink especially tasty, I advise you to use berries collected after the first frosts.

Patissons with carrots and onions for the winter without sterilization

Let's prepare spicy crispy squirrels with vegetables without sterilization today? The recipe is quite simple and requires a minimum time to prepare. As a result, you will get an excellent snack for the winter, which will suit any meat or side dish.

Yellow tomatoes juice for the winter

The preparation of juice from yellow tomatoes is not much different from the preparation of ordinary tomato juice. The drink looks exotic and elegant and advantageously complemented by any table. Try such juice with cheburki or meat pies, it is very tasty!

Tomatoes in gelatin for the winter

Tomatoes in jelly are a tasty, original and memorable appetizer. The cooking process is not much different from the usual conservation of tomatoes, only gelatin is added to the marinade. Before serving, send a jar of tomatoes for a couple of hours in the refrigerator.

Baked pumpkin with cheese

If you have a pumpkin, but there is no time and effort for complex dishes - feel free to take this casserole. A minimum of preparation - and then the oven will do everything for you. I guarantee that none of the household can stand in front of the aroma.

Mushroom salad and red cabbage

For this salad, I like the royal champignons most of all. It is these mushrooms that are especially effectively combined with red cabbage and greens not only to taste, but also in appearance.

Culinary recipes for vegetarians with photos - simple and tasty!

The hardest thing when searching for vegetarian recipes is finding something that is really clear and detailed. Especially if you have recently become a vegetarian and are preparing such dishes for the first time, and still have no idea what the result should be in the end. Uncertain quantities of ingredients, complex processes, lack of time guidelines - all this can kill enthusiasm in the bud. That is why on my website I collect step-by-step recipes with photos and all the details of each stage of preparation. This is much more convenient and easier even for experienced cooks, let alone beginners! You no longer have to figure out the details yourself and doubt the future result!

I will tell you about recipes for vegetarian dishes for all occasions and you will understand that even plant foods have a lot of recipes and tastes. Hundreds of quick and easy recipes, first courses, main courses, salads, appetizers, desserts and baked goods - each recipe comes with a photo of the finished dish. And each new step is described in detail down to the smallest detail. My goal is to collect not just a large catalog of culinary recipes, but a lot of really useful and practical instructions for vegetarians like me!