Onion dishes for vegeters

Beans are a generous source of plant protein, so it is so important to add it to your diet. In addition to soups, lobio and salads, paste is often prepared from beans. At home and from simple ingredients, the snack is very juicy and tasty.

Diet and PP are not a reason to deny yourself gastronomic pleasures. I’ll tell you an interesting recipe, which, perhaps, you did not know about. So, today we prepare the Georgian soup of hard with meat - lean and less fat, but the same spicy and fragrant.

The main Hungarian dish around the world is a traditional goulash. Tasty, hearty, simple and affordable, it liked both restaurateurs and ordinary housewives at home. It is not surprising that there are more and more diverse recipes, like a goulash of mushrooms with gravy.

Without Falafel, it is impossible to imagine Eastern, Arab and Jewish cuisine. A huge wave of popularity of Falafel swept throughout Europe, when more and more people began to be interested in vegetarian dishes. I tell you how to cook it.

It is difficult to find a delicious ketchup in the store. It is better to buy in the season of farm tomatoes and cook it yourself. If you want to try something unusual, prepare a ketchup from cinnamon tomatoes. The sauce will turn out to be fragrant and slightly burning.

Lovers of piquant dishes will appeal to the appetizer. Cabbage with saffron in Korean should be marinated in a cool place. The refrigerator or basement is ideal for this. I recommend that every 8-10 hours pierce the vegetable mixture with a long wooden stick.

Ask the mushroom pickers about pigs, and they will tell you what a delightful caviar is. Of course, you will have to tinker with mushrooms, but as a result it turns out very tasty! Be sure to prepare for the winter a couple of jars of this yummy!

If you do not like homogeneous pastes, try this recipe for chopped eggplant caviar. It will require more time for cutting and cooking, but what a tasty and beautiful result is the result!

Beetroot salad for the winter is not only a delicious version of a vegetable salad for every day, but also a great dressing for borscht. If you have never done such a workpiece, I propose to try. The recipe is not complicated, and the result is definitely worth it.

This delicious and healthy tomato pure soup is good both hot and cold. Once preparing this dish according to a classic Italian recipe, you can easily achieve new tastes, adding various ingredients.

Falafel is the most common dish of oriental street cuisine. These are balls of chopped legumes, and most often from chickpeas. I want to share with you a classic recipe. Cutlets can be made of any shape and size, serve them like a snack or add to other dishes.

Original Korean kimchi differs from the familiar pickled vegetables with taste and cooking technology. For the recipe you will need Beijing cabbage and a lot of spices. And how to do everything at home - I’ll tell you further in the recipe.

Today we will prepare a delicious and bright vegetable workpiece for the winter - a Greek snack with beans. Such a snack greatly diversifies your menu in the winter, will become a full -fledged dish of a lean table, and also perfectly complement your first dishes and vegetable stews.

Tomatoes in jelly are a tasty, original and memorable appetizer. The cooking process is not much different from the usual conservation of tomatoes, only gelatin is added to the marinade. Before serving, send a jar of tomatoes for a couple of hours in the refrigerator.

Let's prepare spicy crispy squirrels with vegetables without sterilization today? The recipe is quite simple and requires a minimum time to prepare. As a result, you will get an excellent snack for the winter, which will suit any meat or side dish.

In fact, almost any favorite soup can be rolled up for the winter if desired. This beetroot was originally an experiment, but the experiment was completely successful, so I share the results. Prepare it without cabbage, but with tomato paste.

It is difficult to find a person who does not like canned forest mushrooms. Such a workpiece is the center of attention on the festive table. Prepare the mushrooms correctly and enjoy the excellent taste of snacks without risk to health. I share a recipe for pickled oils.

Italy gave the world not only a delicious pizza, but also the mouth -watering soup of Minestron. Preparing it surprisingly simple. The main thing is to observe the two most important rules: to cut the vegetables finely and cook from beginning to end in a Kazan.

There are many tomatoes and Bulgarian pepper left in the midst of the season of vegetables? It will be correct to prepare several jars of tasty, sweet and sour, aromatic lecho for the winter. The recipe is simple, cooking will not take much time, and the result will pleasantly surprise you.

Add to the collection of your duty dishes a recipe for cabbage cutlets in the oven. They can be served as an independent dish, as well as with buckwheat, boiled rice and potatoes. I recommend seasoning vegetable cutlets with your favorite sauce.