Cooking recipes for vegetarians

2290 recipes
Pickled cabbage of quick preparation

Everyone knows that sauerkraut has been preparing for a long time. And what about the pickled cabbage of quick cooking? Prepare this tasty cabbage in just 2 hours! To dinner or by the arrival of guests, in my opinion, perfectly! Catch express reception.

Spinach salad, oranges and purple onions

Adjust yourself with cheerfulness and good mood - prepare a salad of spinach, oranges and onions. At first glance, the ingredients seem incompatible, but it is worth trying and the dish will pleasantly surprise you with the original taste.

Soye goulash

Why not diversify your dietary nutrition with soy ghoul? A low -calorie dish will delight you with a wonderful taste, but it will not affect the figure at all. You can cook it using this simple recipe.

Apples with slices in syrup for the winter

The apple crop surpassed your expectations, and jam and apple juice are already flaunting on the shelves of the pantry? Close apples in syrup. This is the most delicate dessert for the winter and a delicious filling in sweet pastries. Use syrup as a basis for compotes and natural jelly.

Jam from apples “White Burning”

“White Burning” is a delicious early variety of apples, which has only one drawback: these apples are poorly stored. Therefore, experienced housewives are trying to quickly process the crop. One of the recipes of delicious jam from apples of this variety today will share with you.

Tomatoes in their own juice for the winter without sterilization

Tomatoes in its own juice are a fairly successful workpiece on the principle of “two in one”. Serve whole tomatoes to the table in the form of a snack, and use tomato juice to make sauces, adding or gas stations to other dishes. I share a simple recipe.

Cabbage rolls with mushrooms

I like to add something new to the stuffing for cabbage rolls. Especially during periods when I often make them and I want a banal diversity. I highly recommend trying cabbage rolls with mushrooms. Such a simple solution and only advantages!

Cauliflower salad

If you still ignore cauliflower in winter blanks, this is a big mistake. She is very interesting and pleasantly revealed thanks to the marinade. Saturated taste, crispy texture, and also a beautiful presentation - what you need!

Palvka with mushrooms in pots

If you still do not like barley, you just have not tried to cook it in pots. Yes, and with mushrooms! At my house, such a wonderful crumbly side dish was appreciated even by children who are generally difficult to persuade for porridge!

Pea porridge with herbs and olive oil

If you like porridge, but there is not enough variety in them, you should definitely pay attention to this recipe. Pea porridge is already interesting in itself. And even more so, if you add olive oil and a little fragrant herbs to it.

Cabbage in Korean with turmeric

Have you ever tried to cook in Korean not only carrots, but also other vegetables? For example, cabbage is simply amazingly. And this is a completely different snack that does not look like sauer or pickled. This time I propose to do it with turmeric.

Salad with canned beans

If you have a jar of canned beans, such a salad is prepared in a matter of minutes. It turns out very hearty and tasty - a full -fledged main dish for vegetarians. I tell you what else to add here.

Lenten Spring Rolls

Vegetarians and just lovers of juicy vegetables will like lean Spring Rolls. An Asian snack can be taken with you on a picnic or on the road. For convenience, I recommend each roll separately to wrap in foil.

Pea puree soup with mint

Pea puree soup with mint is one of the most original finds in my selection of recipes. The soups of their legumes are always very satisfying and thorough, but at the same time, fresh mint leaves give lightness and refreshing notes.

Brown rice with vegetables in pots

Brown rice is considered much more useful than white, especially if you adhere to a diet or proper nutrition. It has especially many useful components, and with vegetables it is a real storehouse of vitamins. But it is preparing longer, and that is why I propose to make it in pots!

Bulgarian pepper in Korean

A spicy appetizer will become an appropriate addition to mashed potatoes, pasta or porridge. Bulgarian pepper is prepared in Korean simply, no heat treatment, pickling and other complex actions. I tell the recipe in detail.

Humus with cedar nuts

You are probably familiar with the amazing pine taste of cedar nuts. The high cost of this product does not allow you to use it in everyday cooking, but sometimes you can still pamper yourself. I advise you to somehow prepare a hummus with cedar nuts.

Podol with paprika and greens in pots

Given that the beans are preparing for a very long time, making it in pots is a pleasure. It is beautiful enough to put all the ingredients and send them to the oven, and then you can safely go about your business. I really like this option with paprika and aromatic greens.

Casserole of colored cabbage with a cut

Ordinary onions do not go too well with delicate cauliflower. But onions supplements more harmonious. To make sure of this in practice, I propose to cook such an excellent casserole. If desired, add a little crackers in the French manner.

Cauline salad of cabbage with beetroot

They say that the best ideas always lie on the surface. And this bright elegant salad of fresh cabbage and beets is a clear confirmation of this. If at first glance this combination seems strange to you, then just give him a chance - and it will not disappoint you.

Culinary recipes for vegetarians with photos - simple and tasty!

The hardest thing when searching for vegetarian recipes is finding something that is really clear and detailed. Especially if you have recently become a vegetarian and are preparing such dishes for the first time, and still have no idea what the result should be in the end. Uncertain quantities of ingredients, complex processes, lack of time guidelines - all this can kill enthusiasm in the bud. That is why on my website I collect step-by-step recipes with photos and all the details of each stage of preparation. This is much more convenient and easier even for experienced cooks, let alone beginners! You no longer have to figure out the details yourself and doubt the future result!

I will tell you about recipes for vegetarian dishes for all occasions and you will understand that even plant foods have a lot of recipes and tastes. Hundreds of quick and easy recipes, first courses, main courses, salads, appetizers, desserts and baked goods - each recipe comes with a photo of the finished dish. And each new step is described in detail down to the smallest detail. My goal is to collect not just a large catalog of culinary recipes, but a lot of really useful and practical instructions for vegetarians like me!