Cooking recipes for vegetarians

2290 recipes
Plum compote for the winter with bones

Stosive housewives harvest for the winter not only jam and drains made of plums, but also a delicious home compote. A fragrant ruby ​​-color drink in winter will be in the way for the whole family! With a fresh bun or cookies, for every day and for the holiday.

Mushroom salad and chili sauce

For this salad, you will definitely need a very good and tasty chili sauce. And what to do with mushrooms, I will tell you in detail. Such a simple and at the same time unusual snack will definitely not leave indifferent!

Dried tomatoes at home for the winter

I propose to prepare for the winter a jar of dried tomatoes - a spicy snack from Italy. For sluggishness at home, choose fleshy varieties of tomatoes with a slight juice content. “Cream” is perfect. It turns out very tasty, I recommend!

Beans and grenade

Have you ever tried to combine beans with a grenade? I am sure this recipe can surprise you! I advise you to boil the beans in advance so that it can completely cool down, because canned here is not too suitable.

Fruit salad of melon, strawberries and kiwi

Have you decided to exclude cakes, cakes and sweets from the diet? Replace them with delicious fruit salads. Absolutely everyone can cook them. And most importantly, after such a snack a feeling of lightness, a lot of energy and a good mood will appear!

Boister without barley for the winter

Such a workpiece for a brine is convenient to use in winter to save time. Just add the contents of the jar to the pan with boiling broth, add other ingredients as desired, and the fragrant brine is ready! Quickly, simple, economical.

Jam from Irga

Today I will share an unusual recipe for jam from Irga. This berry contains a lot of vitamins and nutrients, and therefore jam from it is not only tasty, but also healthy. Such a delicacy will maintain immunity during a cold, will help with tonsillitis and insomnia.

Crispy cucumbers with vinegar for the winter in banks

Crispy cucumbers for the winter according to this recipe were prepared by my grandmother. The recipe is simple and does not imply sterilization. For convenience, I indicate the number of products per 1 liter jar. Of the 5 kg of cucumbers, on average, 9 liter cans of delicious snacks come out.

Pumpkin jam with orange and lemon

Pumpkin jam with citrus notes is beautiful, bright and very tasty. In the finished delicacy, the taste of pumpkin is completely not felt. If you have a small pumpkin in your bins, and you know how to use it, prepare this unusual jam.

Canapes with vegetable salsa and cottage cheese

Such a bright and piquant vegetable salsa can actually be prepared from any favorite vegetables. I offer moderately a juicy option with avocados and tomatoes - what you need for canapes with cottage cheese.

Salad of seaweed, dried cranberries and corn

A delicious salad will appeal to connoisseurs of unusual taste combinations. The sweet and sour cranberry and brackish sea cabbage is just incredible! Too dry berries should first be washed with boiling water and dried with a towel.

Ten salad of eggplant for the winter

Today I will share the recipe for the eggplant of eggplants beloved by many housewives for the winter. We will prepare the “ten” - a winter workpiece, where all vegetables are taken in equal quantities, namely 10 pieces. Thanks to such twists, vegetables on the table will be all year round!

Sweet tomatoes for the winter

For this recipe, I advise you to take small tomatoes with a dense skin that does not burst with hot water. Cherry or cocktail tomatoes are perfect. Make sure that they are about the same ripeness!

Eggplant in Georgian for the winter

Eggplant in Georgian is one of the delicious sharp blanks for the winter. Fragrant fried eggplant circles in a piquant vegetable marinade of sweet and acute pepper with garlic will not leave indifferent lovers of “burning” snacks. I advise you to cook!

Humus with tomatoes

The recipe is very simple, but there are still some features in it. For example, Humus with tomatoes is prepared without adding lemon juice. The necessary sourness of the snack is given by tomatoes. If there is time and desire to clean them from the peel.

Cabbage stewed with bell pepper and tomatoes

I very often cook stewed cabbage. Firstly, because it is tasty, and secondly-every time I try to cook according to a new recipe. Today I bring to your attention an option with Bulgarian pepper and fresh tomatoes.

Frozen raspberries

The best way to maintain the beneficial properties of your beloved raspberries is to just freeze it. And only then use it in the same way as a fresh berry. For example, you can make beautiful fruit drinks from frozen raspberries. And then I will tell in detail how.

Green salad with asparagus, artichokes and capers

It only at first glance seems that such a salad is very complicated. In fact, canned capers and artichokes can be bought in a supermarket - and they are already ready for use. And how to cook asparagus, I will tell further.

Ajika from tomatoes and garlic with sharp pepper

For those who love more, I have a proven Adjika recipe with sharp pepper. This burning sauce is suitable for any meat and poultry, it can be added to soups and sauces or simply spread on bread. Ajika is ready for use immediately after cooking.

Casserole of colored cabbage with chili and green onions

Only a few simplest additives transform the casserole of colored cabbage in front of our eyes. Moreover, the main ingredient remains the same. And green onions, chili pepper, cilantro and garlic here are more likely in the role of spices.

Culinary recipes for vegetarians with photos - simple and tasty!

The hardest thing when searching for vegetarian recipes is finding something that is really clear and detailed. Especially if you have recently become a vegetarian and are preparing such dishes for the first time, and still have no idea what the result should be in the end. Uncertain quantities of ingredients, complex processes, lack of time guidelines - all this can kill enthusiasm in the bud. That is why on my website I collect step-by-step recipes with photos and all the details of each stage of preparation. This is much more convenient and easier even for experienced cooks, let alone beginners! You no longer have to figure out the details yourself and doubt the future result!

I will tell you about recipes for vegetarian dishes for all occasions and you will understand that even plant foods have a lot of recipes and tastes. Hundreds of quick and easy recipes, first courses, main courses, salads, appetizers, desserts and baked goods - each recipe comes with a photo of the finished dish. And each new step is described in detail down to the smallest detail. My goal is to collect not just a large catalog of culinary recipes, but a lot of really useful and practical instructions for vegetarians like me!