Cooking recipes for vegetarians

2290 recipes
Lenten Samsa with pumpkin

Traditional Uzbek, Kazakh and Tajik pies with filling is Samsa. The plus of Samsa is that it can be prepared in completely different ways, including to make a lean. I share with you just such a recipe, and as a filling I propose to take a pumpkin.

Bulgarian pepper and carrot salad

Even if you already have the perfect recipe for peppers salad, I advise you to try such an option with carrots. Here is the brightness of the colors and the variety of textures. What else is needed for maximum pleasure?

Light vegetable soup

This is another variation of the classic Minestron soup, which will probably appeal to all lovers of light vegetable soups. I cook it on vegetable broth - and it turns out a completely vegetarian dish. But you can take anyone to taste.

Pickled green tomatoes for the winter

I share a simple recipe for pickled green tomatoes. Tomatoes are crispy, moderately sharp and very fragrant. Close such a blank for the winter to diversify your diet in the cold season. To the side dishes, meat and bird - perfect!

Carrot in Korean with asaphide

For this recipe, garlic will not be needed, because aromatic asaphetide can replace it. Popular Indian spice is often sold in Ayurvedic stores. It is added to dishes with caution, otherwise unpleasant bitterness may appear.

Canned peaches

When in winter you want seasonal summer fruits, it is so nice to open a jar of a fragrant blank! Delicate and sweet, canned peaches can be served to the table as an independent dessert, or added to baking and other desserts.

Buckwheat and beans

Did you know that some lean dishes are so satisfying that they can compete even with meat? A good example of this is cutlets from buckwheat and beans. Try preparing them according to this recipe and evaluate the result.

Pickled feta with grilled vegetables

Grill vegetable appetizers are an endless space for experiments with ingredients and combinations. For example, I propose to try cherry tomatoes and pickled feta wrapped in zucchini or tsukini records.

Snack from zucchini for the winter

For this workpiece, both young zucchini and already outgrown are suitable. The appetizer is unusually tasty and beautiful due to multi-colored vegetables in the composition. In winter, she will perfectly complement any side dishes and diversify your familiar menu.

Korean carrots with balsamic vinegar

Such an additive will make your favorite snack even tastier. Balsamic vinegar is characterized by greater density and unusual sweet and sour taste. For this recipe, sugar is not needed, but if the carrots came across ugly, it is better to add a little.

Coconuts with coconut chips

Coconut candies with coconut chips are a real find for those who are tired of the ubiquitous sugar, palm oil and other dubious ingredients. These sweets are pure benefits for children and adults, if they are not abused.

Salad with mushrooms and root of celery

Salads with celery stem do not surprise anyone. What about the root? After all, it is also tasty, healthy and very piquant. I propose to combine it with mushrooms, greens and Bulgarian pepper, and I will tell you more in more detail in the recipe.

Cucumber salad with garlic for the winter

Cucumbers with garlic in winter will perfectly complement boiled or fried potatoes, suitable for meat dishes and various side dishes. It is also prepared from simple ingredients. A fragrant workpiece will certainly please your loved ones in the cold season.

Mexican salad with beans

It's no secret that beans are a traditional ingredient in Mexican cuisine. Dozens, or even hundreds of bright, beautiful and spicy dishes are prepared from it. Most of them, like this salad, can be eaten yourself or served with cakes.

Fast salad with mushrooms and brass

If you have a little fried mushrooms, you can cook a very fast and tasty salad in just a couple of minutes. It is enough to add brass, and a couple more ingredients, which I will talk about in the recipe.

Korean carrots with rice vinegar

In Asian dishes, rice vinegar is often used. From the usual dining room, it is distinguished by the lack of an unpleasant aroma and a sweet taste. With such an addition, Korean carrots are even more juicy and tasty!

Currant, grunted with sugar without cooking

Black currants are a record holder for the content of vitamin C. In order to preserve not only the taste and aroma of berries, but also useful properties, I propose to prepare “cold” jam - currants dollled with sugar for the winter. Great support for immunity in the offseason!

Lenten sandwich

Sandwich is not necessarily meat, ham or sausage. It is very easy to make it lean, but still tasty and satisfying. Then I will share with you my favorite recipe with vegetables. Ideal for home or picnic!

Pickled sharp pepper

I advise all lovers of a spicy one to try these pickled peppers! But do them in small jars, because you are unlikely to eat a lot of time. I serve them like a snack or add them to salads, soups and basic dishes.

Mexican salad

A bright and hearty salad “Tako” can be served on the table in a plate or put on a tortilla. Most often, the dish is cooked with beef minced meat, but today we will try a very interesting recipe without meat. If possible, use the beans of several types.

Culinary recipes for vegetarians with photos - simple and tasty!

The hardest thing when searching for vegetarian recipes is finding something that is really clear and detailed. Especially if you have recently become a vegetarian and are preparing such dishes for the first time, and still have no idea what the result should be in the end. Uncertain quantities of ingredients, complex processes, lack of time guidelines - all this can kill enthusiasm in the bud. That is why on my website I collect step-by-step recipes with photos and all the details of each stage of preparation. This is much more convenient and easier even for experienced cooks, let alone beginners! You no longer have to figure out the details yourself and doubt the future result!

I will tell you about recipes for vegetarian dishes for all occasions and you will understand that even plant foods have a lot of recipes and tastes. Hundreds of quick and easy recipes, first courses, main courses, salads, appetizers, desserts and baked goods - each recipe comes with a photo of the finished dish. And each new step is described in detail down to the smallest detail. My goal is to collect not just a large catalog of culinary recipes, but a lot of really useful and practical instructions for vegetarians like me!