Cooking recipes for vegetarians

2290 recipes
Donskoy salad for the winter

I really love this simple and delicious vegetable salad in winter. When the usual blanks are no longer pleasing, take out this mouth -watering salad from the pantry and diversify your table! To meat, potatoes, to any side dish ... It seems to me that both adults and children love him!

Acute adjika with apples for the winter

For lovers of experiments in the kitchen, I offer an unusual but proven recipe for an acute adjika with apples and carrots. The apple gives a burning fragrant sauce a certain share of tenderness and sourness. Serve adjika to the first and second dishes, meat and poultry.

Mexican bean salad

Such a bean salad straight made of Mexico is good not only with taste, but also by an amazing bright look. For this recipe, I advise you to boil small black beans, but you can take any other to your taste.

Vegetarian pizza in a pan

If you adhere to a post or a vegetarian diet, this is not a reason to give up your favorite dish. I tell you how to cook excellent vegetable pizza in a pan. I advise you to take vegetables fresh, but you can partially replace frost.

Sea buckthorn sauce for the winter

If with sea buckthorn juice and jam, no one has been surprised that about an ugly sauce from the “sunny berry”? If you have never tried one, we will be corrected. I am sharing a berry sauce recipe, which approaches meat, fish, poultry and dishes on the grill.

Barley porridge on coconut milk in a slow cooker

Even such a simple and unpretentious dish as barley porridge can be prepared in an unusual way. For example, boil it with coconut milk. And to make it easier and faster, we will do it in a slow cooker. To serve, take jam, berries and coconut chips.

Cucumbers in tomato paste for the winter

Cucumbers in tomato paste are a wonderful workpiece for the winter. Use sweet cucumbers as an independent snack, and tomato sauce will be a good addition to various dishes. Cucumbers can be chopped or used entirely to small fruits.

Smoothies without a banana

Smoothies can be cooked in just a few minutes and take with you as a snack or a full breakfast. So it is always not only tasty, but also convenient. Bananas go to many recipes for consistency, but today I will tell you how to do without them.

Tea with cranberries

Slowly enjoy the useful warming drink, wrapping in a warm blanket with a dandy winter evening ... What could be more pleasant? Just drink this spicy drink in the circle of relatives and friends. I will share the recipe for "winter" vitamin cranberry tea.

Apricot jam without bones

I bring to your attention a simple recipe for aromatic apricot jam without bones. It turns out tasty, beautiful amber color, with the most delicate pieces of fruit. Both children and adults love such a treat! Ideal for winter family tea parties.

Ajika from tomatoes and garlic for the winter without cooking

This recipe for Adzhika is interesting in that it does not imply cooking. Such a adjika taste is not much different from boiled, while it has a more saturated color and aroma. In order for the workpiece to be stored longer, I advise you to keep jars in the refrigerator.

Cabbage in Korean with beets

I really love cabbage with beets in Korean not only for the taste, but also for an extraordinary appearance. Such a bright shade-and at the same time without any dyes or additives. A very pleasant snack for a daily family dinner or on a festive table.

Carrot bars

This unusual treat will appeal to all fans of proper nutrition. Bars with carrots, oatmeal and seeds will become an excellent dessert and everyday snack. You can even take them with you, gently wrapping them in parchment.

Carrot in Korean with lemon juice

Vinegar cannot be called a useful additive, so in cooking I try to use it little. Many dishes only benefit from this, even Korean carrots are tastier. In addition, the snack has a light citrus aroma.

Home pp sweets from matches

The match is powdered green tea, which is becoming more popular and in our latitudes. This is not only the basis for drinks, but also a beautiful additive and natural dye for desserts. For example, for such homemade PP sweets.

Sea buckthorn jam without bones

Preparing a delicious sea buckthorn jam is not difficult! Just use my simple recipe. Jam is ideal for toasts and fresh bread, it is used in baking and served with various desserts. This bright sweet treat will accurately appreciate the children!

Potatoes in a rustic, baked in panning crackers

It is not at all difficult to cook delicious potatoes in a rustic potato in panning crackers. Read the recipe carefully, prepare everything you need and follow the recommendations. After 40 minutes, an appetizing dish will stand on your table.

Vegan marshmallows

One of my favorite treats for tea is marshmallows. It has many advantages - lightness, simplicity of cooking, and I never want a lot of it. Another plus can be called the opportunity to prepare vegan marshmallows, which is not inferior to the usual taste.

Tomato soup with pasta

Tomato soups can be prepared in different ways-with fresh tomatoes, tomato paste or juice, leave it or interrupted as a blender, as you like. I share one of my favorite recipes with pasta. He is also good because he is cooking quickly.

Basol cutlets

A delicious dish can be safely called lean, since it is prepared without eggs, fat and other animal products. Nevertheless, bean cutlets are very satisfying. All because they contain a large amount of plant protein and fiber.

Culinary recipes for vegetarians with photos - simple and tasty!

The hardest thing when searching for vegetarian recipes is finding something that is really clear and detailed. Especially if you have recently become a vegetarian and are preparing such dishes for the first time, and still have no idea what the result should be in the end. Uncertain quantities of ingredients, complex processes, lack of time guidelines - all this can kill enthusiasm in the bud. That is why on my website I collect step-by-step recipes with photos and all the details of each stage of preparation. This is much more convenient and easier even for experienced cooks, let alone beginners! You no longer have to figure out the details yourself and doubt the future result!

I will tell you about recipes for vegetarian dishes for all occasions and you will understand that even plant foods have a lot of recipes and tastes. Hundreds of quick and easy recipes, first courses, main courses, salads, appetizers, desserts and baked goods - each recipe comes with a photo of the finished dish. And each new step is described in detail down to the smallest detail. My goal is to collect not just a large catalog of culinary recipes, but a lot of really useful and practical instructions for vegetarians like me!