Cooking recipes for vegetarians

2290 recipes
Canned cucumbers with apples

Soft sour apples in combination with crispy cucumbers give an amazing balance of tastes and textures. I advise you to definitely try to make at least a few such jars at the first opportunity!

Salad with tsukini and rice

I once decided to cook such an unusual salad instead of boring rice with vegetables. Light, tasty and dietary, he has since repeatedly helped me out. I recommend frying tsukini on grill, but you can also in an ordinary anti -stick pan.

Strawberry jam with basilic

If you like lemonade and compotes with strawberries and basil, just as I love them - this recipe is specifically for you. I recommend not adding too much sugar so that it does not drown out the taste of the rest of the ingredients.

Original vegetarian rolls

Ready to argue that you have not yet seen such beautiful and original vegetarian rolls! And today I will tell you how to cook them correctly. The main thing is to wrap everything as tightly as possible, and then even such a rich filling will not break up.

Sweet salad with figs and arugula

Do you like unusual combinations of tastes? Prepare this sweet salad with figs and arugula. It is seasoned with liquid honey, and if your honey thickens, warm it in a water bath, it will again become transparent and flowing.

Sweet pepper and mushrooms

A quick and beautiful salad with mushrooms and sweet pepper is preparing just ten minutes. Moreover, most of the time takes to frying mushrooms. But at the same time, with all the simplicity, it turns out to be very tasty and beautiful.

Salad with radishes and garlic

For some reason, salads from Radis are not too popular, and I would like to correct this injustice. Here is such a beautiful workpiece with onions and garlic! Serve it separately, with pickles or add to other salads.

Vegan carrot sweets

Most home vegan sweets are prepared on the basis of dates or figs. But what if you do not like them at all? I offer such an interesting option with carrots! But it must be tasty and sweet.

Apricot jam with kernels from bones

Turn yourself and your loved ones with a delicious apricot jam with nuclear vagues. A fragrant treat in winter diversifies your family tea drinks. So that in the process of preparation, apricot slices do not turn into mashed potatoes, choose fruits with dense pulp.

Red bean

The beans are rich in vegetable protein, so dishes from it for a long time give a feeling of satiety. Turn on the red beans in your diet, and you will forget about frequent snacks that spoil the figure so hard. Consider this a little step towards a healthy diet.

Pickled bell pepper for the winter

Today I want to invite you to marry the Bulgarian pepper for the winter according to a classic recipe. To make the workpiece as tasty as possible, choose fleshy juicy vegetables. Pepper turns out to be incredibly fragrant, delicate and moderately sweet.

Salad with a movie, red beans, avocado and sharp pepper

A great dietary dish for those who follow the figure or adheres to a post. A portion of such a salad will enrich the body with vitamins, cheer up and satisfy hunger for a long time. If you don't like acute food, exclude red pepper.

Kurd from apples and kiwi

If you like pleasant fruit sourness, this Kurd is created specifically for you. At the heart - sweet apples and ripe kiwi. And what else needs to be added and how to cook them, you will learn further in the recipe.

Pickled pears for the winter

Pickled pears are not often closed for the winter. And in vain! Piquant pears perfectly complement the taste of a baked bird, they can be served to the table, like a self -sufficient snack or in addition to different side dishes. Choose fruits with a thick peel and juicy pulp.

Sauerkraut in a bank for the winter

If you like sauerkraut, but do not want to constantly spend time on its cooking - close it in jars! According to this recipe, it will definitely turn out juicy, crispy and very appetizing. The process will take several days, but for the main training it will take no more than half an hour.

Chernivopa jam with cherry leaf

Chernomot jam is often boiled with different natural additives. For example, if you use juicy cherry leaves in the process of preparation, the treat will acquire cherry aftertaste and thin cherry aroma. Interesting? I share a proven recipe.

Borshchtovan gas station for the winter in banks

Among other blanks, I advise you to prepare several jars of borshchvaya refueling for the winter. This is a real lifesaver for any super-hostess! And who else can boast of a fragrant borsch in 15 minutes? The number of products is indicated in the purified form.

Thick pyatiminet from gooseberries

Pyatiminutka made of gooseberries - tasty, fragrant, viscous, as useful as possible. What's the secret? In a short three -time cooking. Choose slightly unripe fruits with elastic skin so that the berries do not boil during the preparation.

Tern jam with bones

Many housewives bypass Tern, not knowing what to do with it. And in vain they go around. From a fragrant, slightly tangible berries, the useful blanks for the winter are obtained. Today I want to share with you a simple recipe for delicious thorns with bones.

Salad with tomatoes for the winter

One of my favorite versions of winter salads with tomatoes! And all because this recipe is very universal. The workpiece can be served separately, added to salads or to stewed vegetables, use as a refueling for soup - what is enough fantasy for.

Culinary recipes for vegetarians with photos - simple and tasty!

The hardest thing when searching for vegetarian recipes is finding something that is really clear and detailed. Especially if you have recently become a vegetarian and are preparing such dishes for the first time, and still have no idea what the result should be in the end. Uncertain quantities of ingredients, complex processes, lack of time guidelines - all this can kill enthusiasm in the bud. That is why on my website I collect step-by-step recipes with photos and all the details of each stage of preparation. This is much more convenient and easier even for experienced cooks, let alone beginners! You no longer have to figure out the details yourself and doubt the future result!

I will tell you about recipes for vegetarian dishes for all occasions and you will understand that even plant foods have a lot of recipes and tastes. Hundreds of quick and easy recipes, first courses, main courses, salads, appetizers, desserts and baked goods - each recipe comes with a photo of the finished dish. And each new step is described in detail down to the smallest detail. My goal is to collect not just a large catalog of culinary recipes, but a lot of really useful and practical instructions for vegetarians like me!