Cooking recipes for vegetarians

2290 recipes
Pickled white mushrooms

Pickled champignons, mushrooms, chanterelles - all this can be bought in any supermarket and not waste time. But with white mushrooms it will not work - getting a delicacy is not so simple. Therefore, you have to experiment yourself.

Mushroom filling for pies

During the post, mushrooms are actively used in cooking. Soups are cooked from them, paste, salads and various second dishes are made. Often, striding housewives prepare mushroom filling for pies and pancakes. It is very simple, fast, and most importantly - tasty.

Flows with flakes

Clates from flakes - sounds unusual, right? In fact, this is a quick, very tasty and very useful snack when there is not enough strength, vigor and time to cook. They are good at home and conveniently take them with them.

Lenten cupcakes

The modern variety of products can easily adapt to any restrictions most of your favorite dishes. Including desserts. Therefore, today I want to share an excellent recipe for lean cupcakes. Most will not even immediately understand that they are lean.

Vegan sweets

Contrary to general opinion in the diet of vegans, quite interesting and diverse food. There are even a lot of mouth -watering desserts. For example, I want to tell you a recipe for vegan sweets. I guarantee you will be pleasantly surprised!

Sea buckthorn with honey and lemon for the winter without cooking

There are not so many blanks of sea buckthorn, but they are all tested by time. I am sharing the recipe for this healing delicacy that my grandmother used also used. Add a fragrant berry to tea to maintain immunity in the autumn-winter period.

Salad with feta and vegetables-grille

If you just choose the perfect recipe for a picnic salad - this is exactly what you need. But at home in a grill pan, it turns out quite well. Fent vegetables are perfectly combined with feta and chopped herbs.

Salad “Breakfast of Tourist” with pearl bargaining for the winter

I propose to prepare for the winter the well -known vegetable salad “Tourist breakfast”. At one time, conservative had many variations, but all species united one thing: the salad was quite satisfying. Having prepared the salad yourself, you will be 100%sure of its quality.

Salad from sharp cucumbers

Cucumbers are a permanent ingredient in Korean salads, and they are also preparing them in different ways. I share with you one of my favorite recipes with paprika, tomato and sharp chili pepper! But I recommend letting the dish brew before serving.

Bats with banana and apple

Catch one of the most original recipes for homemade bars - based on a banana and apple. Unlike nuts and dried fruits, this option is better not to cook for the future. Enough one or two times. But they are so easily done that this is not a problem.

Armenian paste from beans

The appetizer is a puree made of boiled beans with garlic, salt and spices. Special Armenian paste from beans is obtained thanks to tomato sauce. Sometimes fresh or dried tomatoes are used instead.

Sorrel soup with potatoes

Today I want to share with you my favorite recipe for sorrel soup. I prefer to leave it transparent, and not thicken it with cheese, flour or a raw egg. But a boiled egg for decoration is another matter. And without it, the soup is quite suitable for fasting or a vegetarian diet!

PP Rafaello

There are dozens of variations of home Rafaello, and all of them resemble the original to varying degrees. This PP recipe can hardly be called an impeccable copy. But it turns out a very tasty and delicate coconut treat, which cannot be resisted.

Erynga and onion salad

In fact, this is something between a salad, a snack and a side dish, but I give such a dish as a salad. Any mushrooms that you love are suitable for him. This time I propose to take Erynges and several types of onions.

Beetroot and garlic salad

Beets can be bought throughout the year, but still young is much sweeter and tastier. These features are preserved even when preparing blanks for the winter. Therefore, I propose to stock up on such a beautiful and fragrant salad with garlic.

Salad with tomatoes and pumpkin-grille

If you have a home grill, a special frying pan or you are just going to nature - catch the recipe! A magnificent salad with tomatoes and pumpkin is prepared in a matter of minutes, but looks like a refined restaurant dish. And the taste is higher than praise.

Podchki beans and Korean carrots salad

A delicious, fast and hearty salad is rich in healthy vegetable protein thanks to the patch beans. Korean carrots not only adds interesting piquant notes, but also creates a bright color contrast.

Sea buckthorn juice for the winter through a juicer

Do you know that the sea buckthorn for blanks needs to be collected after the first frosts? Prepare useful juice from this unique berry, because it contains vitamins, minerals and valuable organic acids. You definitely like fragrant multivitamin juice

Noodles and broccoli salad

This recipe is an interesting culinary fusion in which Korean and European traditions are intertwined. Buckwheat noodles are best suited here - dog. And you will need broccoli, tofu, mushrooms and green peas.

Apricots halves in syrup for the winter without sterilization

I use canned apricots in winter for fruit salads, in pastries and even for cereals for breakfast. For this workpiece, it is better to choose slightly greenish, unripe apricots, so that the fruits do not boil in the process and do not turn into sweet mashed potatoes.

Culinary recipes for vegetarians with photos - simple and tasty!

The hardest thing when searching for vegetarian recipes is finding something that is really clear and detailed. Especially if you have recently become a vegetarian and are preparing such dishes for the first time, and still have no idea what the result should be in the end. Uncertain quantities of ingredients, complex processes, lack of time guidelines - all this can kill enthusiasm in the bud. That is why on my website I collect step-by-step recipes with photos and all the details of each stage of preparation. This is much more convenient and easier even for experienced cooks, let alone beginners! You no longer have to figure out the details yourself and doubt the future result!

I will tell you about recipes for vegetarian dishes for all occasions and you will understand that even plant foods have a lot of recipes and tastes. Hundreds of quick and easy recipes, first courses, main courses, salads, appetizers, desserts and baked goods - each recipe comes with a photo of the finished dish. And each new step is described in detail down to the smallest detail. My goal is to collect not just a large catalog of culinary recipes, but a lot of really useful and practical instructions for vegetarians like me!