Second Dishes for Vegetarians

If you excluded meat from the diet or just decided not to overload the stomach today, prepare vegetable stews with zucchini. A light dish will saturate the body with vitamins, and will also provide you with the necessary amount of dietary fiber and fiber.

Vegetable stew can not only be hit on the stove, but also prepared in pots in the oven. So it turns out even better, because everything in ceramics is fast and baked at the same time - it is not even necessary to constantly mix the ingredients.

In each house, stewed cabbage is prepared differently. Of course, for vegetarians there is a great recipe. Cabbage is prepared in vegetable oil, without meat and sausages. Everything turns out very tasty and easy!

Corn porridge is a very self -sufficient dish that does not need complex additions. She has a pleasant texture, bright taste and appetizing color. Therefore, when you want something simpler, just add a little cinnamon.

I hasten to share another wonderful recipe with you. Cuttles with champignons and oatmeal will like vegetable cutlets with champignons and oatmeal. I advise you to use fast -cooking flakes. So the cutlets will turn out softer and tastier.

An unusual recipe in the traditions of Indian cuisine will definitely not leave indifferent. Such pea porridge is characterized by a bright and piquant taste thanks to Curry. If desired, you can add a little chopped mint or lemongrass.

Such a casserole will become a delightful side dish for chicken or fish. In addition, this is a full -fledged independent dish, which is suitable even to vegetarians and those who adhere to the post. The main ingredients are rice, broccoli and corn.

Despite the lack of meat, vegetarian cabbage cabins are still very tasty. And all because they are prepared with mushrooms. To do this, you can use champignons, oyster mushrooms, fresh or frozen forest mushrooms.

Continuing the theme of lean dishes, I would like to remember about carrot-cartel cutlets. They can be served as an independent dish, seasoning with your favorite sauce and aromatic greens. Well -lean cutlets are combined with sauerkraut and barrel cucumbers.

Do you think that it is difficult to cook vegetable stew? Not at all, this is one of the simplest dishes. You can cook it differently. This recipe describes the vegetarian version of the stew. Vegetables are fried in vegetable oil and extinguished in their own juice.

There are dozens of options for cooking vegetable stews, but the most delicious in my opinion it turns out in the cauldron at the stake. And how else - with smoke, in the fresh air, in a pleasant company. Pure pleasure! I share a proven recipe!

A couple of a pinch of spices in front of our eyes transform even the simplest wheat porridge. Today I will share with you the basic recipe for cooking cereals on the water. But add a little turmeric, which will give the porridge a highlight.

Oat porridge with fruits and berries is understandable. What about vegetables? I propose to try such a bright and original recipe for oatmeal with carrots. And if desired, add a little honey, nuts, dried fruits or grated cheese.

A delicious dish can be safely called lean, since it is prepared without eggs, fat and other animal products. Nevertheless, bean cutlets are very satisfying. All because they contain a large amount of plant protein and fiber.

It is not at all difficult to cook delicious potatoes in a rustic potato in panning crackers. Read the recipe carefully, prepare everything you need and follow the recommendations. After 40 minutes, an appetizing dish will stand on your table.

Even such a simple and unpretentious dish as barley porridge can be prepared in an unusual way. For example, boil it with coconut milk. And to make it easier and faster, we will do it in a slow cooker. To serve, take jam, berries and coconut chips.

Bulgur has long and firmly took its place on my shelf with cereals. He is fantastically universal in cooking - at least sweet, even salty, even spicy. This time I propose to try a beautiful and bright recipe with pumpkin and spinach.

Vegetable cutlets are a find not only for vegetarians, but also for everyone who wants a variety in the diet. I offer you my favorite recipe with pumpkin cutlets. They are not only very tasty, but also very beautiful thanks to its bright rich color.

Many undeservedly forget about barley porridge, and completely in vain. This is a great variety against the background of more familiar rice, buckwheat and oatmeal. I propose to try such a hearty and useful option with mushrooms and corn.

Want to cook a delicious vegetable side dish? I advise you to try the recipe for Patisson stews! You can serve it with meat, fish and just like that. Since juicy vegetables give a large amount of liquids, it is better to lay stew in deep plates.