Second Dishes for Vegetarians

Have you ever tried to cook porridge in the microwave? I propose to make millet today! This is the easiest and fastest way, and the result is no worse than on a stove or in a slow cooker. Serve such porridge with berries or fruits.

Looking for a good recipe for a lean dish? I advise you to cook vegetable hot! To do this, you need a deep pan, a cauldron or a stewpan of a suitable size. When serving, certainly add chopped greens and garlic to the plate.

Ordinary onions do not go too well with delicate cauliflower. But onions supplements more harmonious. To make sure of this in practice, I propose to cook such an excellent casserole. If desired, add a little crackers in the French manner.

Given that the beans are preparing for a very long time, making it in pots is a pleasure. It is beautiful enough to put all the ingredients and send them to the oven, and then you can safely go about your business. I really like this option with paprika and aromatic greens.

Brown rice is considered much more useful than white, especially if you adhere to a diet or proper nutrition. It has especially many useful components, and with vegetables it is a real storehouse of vitamins. But it is preparing longer, and that is why I propose to make it in pots!

If you like porridge, but there is not enough variety in them, you should definitely pay attention to this recipe. Pea porridge is already interesting in itself. And even more so, if you add olive oil and a little fragrant herbs to it.

If you still do not like barley, you just have not tried to cook it in pots. Yes, and with mushrooms! At my house, such a wonderful crumbly side dish was appreciated even by children who are generally difficult to persuade for porridge!

I like to add something new to the stuffing for cabbage rolls. Especially during periods when I often make them and I want a banal diversity. I highly recommend trying cabbage rolls with mushrooms. Such a simple solution and only advantages!

Why not diversify your dietary nutrition with soy ghoul? A low -calorie dish will delight you with a wonderful taste, but it will not affect the figure at all. You can cook it using this simple recipe.

They got a slow cooker, but do not know what to cook in it? Boil a vegetarian pilaf. Smart technique will turn a delicious dish into a real masterpiece. The rice will turn out with crumbly, crispy vegetables, and spices are especially fragrant.

I propose to supplement the piggy bank of delicious recipes with stewed cabbage with beans. A simple and hearty dish can be safely cooked in fasting or during a diet. And if you use the beans in tomato, then tomato juice can be excluded from the recipe.

This version of potatoes is in a brutally prepared with the addition of soy sauce, ground pepper and coriander. According to the recipe, potatoes are pickled for 10 minutes so that spices and salt have time to soak it. But if you are in a hurry, it is not necessary to do this.

An extraordinary breakfast, which will be delighted with adults and children are corn porridge with a banana. Such a simple, but at the same time such an original recipe. Do not pass by when you want something unexpected!

Pea porridge goes perfectly with a wide variety of additives. In this case, I advise you to pay special attention to fresh vegetables and greens. Independent vegetarian dish and a universal side dish at your disposal!

Only a few simplest additives transform the casserole of colored cabbage in front of our eyes. Moreover, the main ingredient remains the same. And green onions, chili pepper, cilantro and garlic here are more likely in the role of spices.

I very often cook stewed cabbage. Firstly, because it is tasty, and secondly-every time I try to cook according to a new recipe. Today I bring to your attention an option with Bulgarian pepper and fresh tomatoes.

Did you know that some lean dishes are so satisfying that they can compete even with meat? A good example of this is cutlets from buckwheat and beans. Try preparing them according to this recipe and evaluate the result.

Do not want to overload the stomach with meat dishes? Prepare a vegetable stew with a battery! Sweet root crop contains a lot of vitamin A, reduces blood cholesterol and strengthens blood vessels. In combination with other vegetables, it turns out tasty and healthy.

Pension porridge with mushrooms is even more fragrant and tasty. Especially if you add a little fragrant herbs there, like thyme or rosemary. I share my favorite proven recipe, which even beginner housewives will cope with.

It is a pleasure to cook potatoes in a rustic peel in the peel. No need to waste time cleaning, it is enough just to rinse well and dry it with paper towels. About other features of cooking further in the recipe!