Second Dishes for Vegetarians

Be sure to add this recipe to your vegetarian menu. The rice should first be boiled or pour boiling water, as I did. If the oil is not enough add a little more, but in no case do not overdo it!

This recipe for diet cabinets will definitely like everyone who monitors the figure. There is absolutely no meat here, but only vegetables, rice and vegetable oil. I like the most likely to cook such cabbage rolls with round rice.

Potato in the oven is always tastier and more aromatic than on the stove. I suggest adding purple onions to it, a little carrots, spices and fragrant herbs. And now the perfect side dish is ready with your minimal participation!

You can cook pea porridge on a stove or in a slow cooker. And also - in the oven, in a closed capacity of a suitable size. True, I still recommend serving it in plates. It must first be chopped with a blender or a bit, so it is more convenient.

Rice is far from the only possible filling for cabbage rolls. Tasty, heart and interesting cabbage rolls with lentils are obtained. It took me time to choose the perfect recipe, and finally I want to share it with you!

Traditional pea porridge resembles mashed potatoes because it is prepared from boiled peas. But not everyone loves such a consistency. And in this case, I advise you to use this recipe for crumbly pea porridge.

This recipe with grated potatoes is unequivocally sent to the piggy bank of the most original variations of cabbage rolls. And such cabbage rolls are very satisfying, and this is a good option for dinner for a large family. And how better to cook them correctly - I’ll tell you further in the recipe.

Like many other familiar cereals, pearl barley goes well with fresh and dried fruits. Therefore, I propose to cook for breakfast such a simple, but hearty and delicious recipe. If desired, take vegetable milk.

It doesn’t matter if you tried to prepare a real risotto at least once in your life. This recipe will delight beginners and experienced cooks. And the whole point is that it is simultaneously simple and very original. A minimum of ingredients and maximum pleasure!

The taste of stewed cabbage is familiar to many since childhood. She was often prepared in school canteens, houses and kindergarten. A simple vegetable dish perfectly satisfies the appetite and does not hit the family budget at all. I share the stewed cabbage with tomato paste!

Such a dish will definitely not harm your figure. Lenten cabbage rolls are prepared without meat, fat and other animal products. The filling is a mixture of rice, fried carrots and onions. Sometimes mushrooms are added for a variety.

It would seem that wheat porridge and coconut milk exist somewhere in parallel universes. But this is only until you first try the finished dish. No one can remain indifferent!

If empty barley porridge for you is too boring and fresh, add a little carrots and herbs. Such a simple solution - and the result is much more interesting! This time we will prepare your favorite side dish in a slow cooker - quickly and conveniently.

For this recipe, I advise you to take ready -made pumpkin mashed potatoes. It can be baby food or a large piece of pumpkin, boiled or baked in advance. It is unrealistic to resist such fragrant oatmeal porridge.

Such a hearty casserole will easily feed even a large family. At the same time, it is a lean vegetarian recipe, so it will suit everyone without exception. Only rice, cabbage, tomatoes, and nothing more.

Vegetarians, adherents of a healthy diet, and in general, will like this recipe, to everyone who holds a post or sits on a diet. Carrot cutlets are cooked very simple and fast. The vegetable can be pre -boil or bake in the oven.

Wanted a crispy potato? It is not necessary to go to the nearest fast food or order home delivery. Prepare the mouth-watering potatoes in a vecific. With paprika and ground pepper, it turns out incredibly tasty!

Such pancakes vaguely resemble chips because they are very thin and crispy. It is convenient to use them not only as a separate main dish or side dish, but also as a snack. In some cases, they can even replace bread.

If you still do not like pumpkin puree - you just do not know how to cook it! I tell you how to make a delicious, fragrant and beautiful side dish, which literally melts in your mouth. An ideal addition to a baked bird and meat!

Preparing delicious and healthy pearl bargains for breakfast is even easier than it seems. To do this, you need only a few handfuls of dried fruits and a couple of spoons of honey to taste. And you can add sesame seeds, seeds or coconut chips.