Cooking recipes for vegetarians

2290 recipes
Apple juice for the winter

If the apples in the garden were urged in large quantities, and all kinds of jams are already ready, I propose to prepare a couple of jars of natural homemade apple juice in the winter. To make the juice especially tasty, use juicy, sweet and sour or sweet fruits.

Brussels cabbage salad and nuts

We are so used to salads with white cabbage, but what about the variety? I offer you this recipe with greens, Brussels cabbage, nuts and dried cranberries. When I need a more partial dish, I also add a couple of spoons of Kinoa.

Viburnum with honey for the winter

Kalina with honey is a vitamin bomb on your table. Use the workpiece at your discretion: as a filling in baking and topping for desserts, for the preparation of fruit drinks, compotes or aromatic tea. And such a workpiece perfectly increases immunity!

Blackcurrant jam without sterilization

Currant jam is a vitamin treat for children and adults. It is so simple to cook it that even a novice cook. I do not add water to such blanks, since currant in itself is a juicy berry. I share the recipe.

Vegetable stew with rice

I like to add not only vegetables to the vegetable stew, but also something more interesting. For example, it will sparkle with new colors if you fall asleep a little rice. And how best to do this, so that it is still evenly preparing - I will tell you further in my favorite recipe.

Peking cabbage salad, sharp pepper and radish

For this recipe, I advise you to use the shinkling and Korean grater. The whole secret is to chop the Beijing cabbage and other ingredients as thin as possible. I even advise you to make radishes with thin transparent slides. But sharp pepper is enough to chop.

Bruscette on eggplant

Bruskett on the baguette, chiabatt or bread - this, of course, is good. But what if you do not eat bread or just want a variety? In this case, I propose almost the same bruscrites, but on the plates of eggplant!

PP pastille

One of the lightest and most useful desserts that you can come up with is PP pastille. And all because it is based on only fruit or berry puree, and nothing more. It is not necessary to even add sugar at all - this is already to your taste.

Mushroom salad and chickpeas

For this recipe, I prefer to use canned chickpeas, because it does not need to be soaked and cook. And what to do with mushrooms and other ingredients, you will learn further in the recipe. And at the same time I'll tell you about the gas station!

Spinach, tsukini and greens

Adherents of diets and proper nutrition will accurately evaluate such soup-puree with spinach, tsukini and herbs. Minimum calories, maximum benefits, and even such a rich green color! Even children fell in love with him in my house!

Lenten cabbage rolls with mushrooms and rice

Do you think cabbage rolls are necessarily cabbage and meat? But not! Today I want to offer you to cook lean cabbage rolls. Their feature is that mushrooms and rice go to the filling. Fitty, tasty, and at the same time everyone will like it! I tell you more.

Apple jam

This recipe for aromatic apple jam is so simple that a novice cook will also cope. Despite the duration of the preparation, your direct participation will require a minimum - jam is cooked three times for 5 minutes, the rest of the time is insisted.

Sweets from bran

Preparing home sweets is incredibly simple. And they can also be very diverse, and even fans of proper nutrition can find options. It may seem to you that the sweets from bran - it sounds a little strange. But the taste is just excellent!

Mexican salad with red beans, avocado and spinach

Mexican cuisine can be characterized by three words: acute, tasty and healthy. Dishes are most often prepared from beans and corn. Try a traditional Mexican salad. It is recommended to serve with corn cakes.

Tomatoes with garlic for the winter

Tomatoes with garlic for the winter - a home alternative to store sauces and tomato paste. The recipe is only fresh tomatoes, garlic and spices. Natural, fragrant wiped tomatoes can be added to the first dishes, gravy and all kinds of sauces.

Korean carrots for the winter

Everything in Korean carrots is fine, except that it needs to be prepared for a long time each time. I tell you how to quickly and simply prepare it for the future for the winter. Several jars in the cellar or closet will definitely not be lost!

Vegetable brine with rice

Most often, the pickle is prepared with barley, but the rice is great for this first dish. Today I propose to cook a vegetable option without meat - as light and low -calorie as possible.

Cucumbers salad for the winter without sterilization

Cucumbers salad - fast and tasty workpiece. The recipe does not imply cooking and sterilization, while the salad is perfectly stored all winter. We cook, like a regular salad, then lay out in jars. From the specified number of products, 4 liter jars are obtained

Cocktail salad with mushrooms and pumpkin

Catch a beautiful, tasty and elegant salad for home parties and a buffet! Firstly, this is an unusual combination of pumpkin with mushrooms and berry sauce. And secondly, this is a very spectacular feed with minimal efforts.

Oatmeal in soy milk

If you avoid lactose, this is not a reason to cook your favorite oatmeal only on the water. Today I will tell you how to make it right in soy milk. Just keep in mind that it is sweet in itself, so gently add sugar.

Culinary recipes for vegetarians with photos - simple and tasty!

The hardest thing when searching for vegetarian recipes is finding something that is really clear and detailed. Especially if you have recently become a vegetarian and are preparing such dishes for the first time, and still have no idea what the result should be in the end. Uncertain quantities of ingredients, complex processes, lack of time guidelines - all this can kill enthusiasm in the bud. That is why on my website I collect step-by-step recipes with photos and all the details of each stage of preparation. This is much more convenient and easier even for experienced cooks, let alone beginners! You no longer have to figure out the details yourself and doubt the future result!

I will tell you about recipes for vegetarian dishes for all occasions and you will understand that even plant foods have a lot of recipes and tastes. Hundreds of quick and easy recipes, first courses, main courses, salads, appetizers, desserts and baked goods - each recipe comes with a photo of the finished dish. And each new step is described in detail down to the smallest detail. My goal is to collect not just a large catalog of culinary recipes, but a lot of really useful and practical instructions for vegetarians like me!