Cooking recipes for vegetarians

2290 recipes
Chicken roll with vegetables and herbs

Such a chicken roll will surely appeal to fans of proper nutrition. In addition, it can be safely prepared even for children. And all because it is completely baked in the oven - without unnecessary oil and fat. And only healthy vegetables and herbs go to the filling.

Tooth steak in the oven

I got a frozen teeth in the store? Be sure to buy it and prepare delicious steaks. They can be fried, but I offer a more useful option - bake in the oven. Serve fish with boiled rice, vegetables or mashed potatoes.

Rice with shrimp and vegetables in a slow cooker

Dietary dishes are also very tasty. A good example of this is rice with shrimp and vegetables. For convenience, I propose to cook in a slow cooker. In it, the dish turns out to be rich, fragrant and crumbly.

Cottage cheese casserole with oatmeal, nuts and cherries

Prepare for breakfast a curd casserole with oatmeal. You can add anything: nuts, dried fruits, sesame seeds and even chocolate drops. In this recipe, I limited myself to walnuts and a canned cherry.

Mintay with orange in the oven

If you are tired of a classic combination of fish with lemon, try this option for preparing a polish with oranges. On the one hand, orange juice makes the meat more tender in the same way, and the smell is drowning out the smell of fish. On the other hand, such a simple replacement of the ingredient - and now a completely new dish with a completely different taste.

Trout with asparagus and cut in the oven

The asparagus is one of the most popular side dishes for any baked fish, and trout is no exception. There are two reasons for that. Firstly, it is excellent compatibility of tastes. And secondly, both of these ingredients are prepared at the same time. In addition, I propose to add greens and onions. And when serving - salad leaves and a handful of olives.

PP pancakes

Of the healthy products, you can prepare very tasty PP pancakes. A great option for breakfast or snack during the day. Exclude stevia from the recipe, add spices, greens, more salt and you will get an ugly version of the dish.

Broccoli salmon for steam

Steam food is very useful. It is often prescribed for dietary nutrition, prepared for children and older people. And it is also very simple. Prepare the salmon from broccoli for steam and see for yourself.

Baked red fish, tomatoes and greenery

Such a salad is prepared not fast, but the result justifies all expectations. Bake the fish, cut the vegetables and add spices to taste. I do not use lemon juice. Instead, I prefer to add thin circles of lemon to the salad.

Tuna and carrot salad

Tuna with cucumbers or tomatoes no longer surprise anyone. I offer you a more original combination - with carrots, pepper and canned corn. And thanks to bright colors, such a salad also looks very elegant.

Kizil compote

It is easier to transfer the heat if in the refrigerator there is a jar of refreshing compote from a jig. You can cook it in 5 minutes. I advise you to carefully sort out the berries, as even one is able to ruin the taste of the drink. Otherwise, everything is extremely simple.

Fucking porridge with pumpkin in pots

Such a beautiful side dish with pumpkin and wheat porridge will be a great alternative to the very pumpkin porridge that our grandmothers also prepared. Experiment with spices, add herbs or dried fruits, look for your ideal option!

Chicken legs with broccoli and vegetables under cheese

Broccoli chicken is an ideal combination. And it is not necessary to take the fillet. The legs are also quite suitable. Moreover, they usually turn out to be more tender, because the breast is still dry. In the best traditions, I propose to fall asleep everything with grated cheese!

Apricot compote

An ideal summer drink! Cooking quickly, it always turns out tasty and fragrant. The finished compote from apricots I recommend straining. By the amount of sugar, focus on the ripeness of fruit and your taste preferences.

Lazy PP Khachapuri in a pan

I present to your attention a simplified version of the popular dish. The lazy PP Khachapuri is prepared in a pan under the lid. No need to mess with the test, fill the filling and turn on the oven. Everything is as simple and tasty as possible!

Green lentils pancakes

Even if you are not interested in proper nutrition, be sure to pay attention to this recipe! The pancakes from the lentils are tasty and simple. The only difficulty is that the lentils must be soaked in advance. The easiest way to do it is at night.

Cod from cod with tomatoes in the oven

Pieces of cod can be baked differently: on a baking sheet, in foil, in the sleeve. And you can-in the form of such a beautiful casserole in the form with cherry tomatoes and another couple of ingredients. So the dish turns out not only tasty, but also spectacular, so it will adorn any feast with dignity. You can serve it even for the holiday.

Salad with pears, grapes and Dor Blue

Another variation on the topic of a classic combination of pears and blue cheese Dor Blue. This time I propose to supplement it with my favorite grapes. I advise you to choose a variety without bones so that they do not spoil the impression of the tenderness and sophistication of the salad.

Baked trout with vegetables in the oven

Trout with vegetables can be baked in the oven differently. Someone prefers potatoes, someone-carrots and onions. This time I propose to use tomatoes, broccoli, celery and champignons. It is better to take vegetables fresh, not frozen. So after baking, they remain elastic and slightly crunched on the teeth.

Cabbage salad, cucumbers and pineapples

Found in the refrigerator a can of canned pineapples, a little cabbage and cucumbers? This is enough for a delicious salad. You can add fried peanuts or other nuts. Hard cabbage should first be kneaded with salt.

Culinary recipes for vegetarians with photos - simple and tasty!

The hardest thing when searching for vegetarian recipes is finding something that is really clear and detailed. Especially if you have recently become a vegetarian and are preparing such dishes for the first time, and still have no idea what the result should be in the end. Uncertain quantities of ingredients, complex processes, lack of time guidelines - all this can kill enthusiasm in the bud. That is why on my website I collect step-by-step recipes with photos and all the details of each stage of preparation. This is much more convenient and easier even for experienced cooks, let alone beginners! You no longer have to figure out the details yourself and doubt the future result!

I will tell you about recipes for vegetarian dishes for all occasions and you will understand that even plant foods have a lot of recipes and tastes. Hundreds of quick and easy recipes, first courses, main courses, salads, appetizers, desserts and baked goods - each recipe comes with a photo of the finished dish. And each new step is described in detail down to the smallest detail. My goal is to collect not just a large catalog of culinary recipes, but a lot of really useful and practical instructions for vegetarians like me!