Cooking recipes for vegetarians

2290 recipes
Baked trout with almonds and pesto

A very unusual and interesting way to bake trout, when the usual spices are tired of cooking it with pesto and almond. Take the nuts immediately in the form of flakes or grind them in advance. Pesto can be done independently or use the finished one. In any case, it is just olive oil, lemon juice, greens and seasonings.

Chicken legs with broccoli in the oven

Brockwood ruddy chicken legs are tasty, beautiful and also very useful. And today I will tell you how to cook such a universal dish right for the whole family. If desired, add a couple of handfuls of your favorite berries for a sweet and sour afreshold.

Mediterranean salad with red fish

Red fish dishes should be in the diet as often as possible. They are not only tasty, but also surprisingly useful. Faster and easiest to make salad from fish. Today I will share with you a popular recipe for Mediterranean cuisine.

Carrot puree in a slow cooker

Useful mashed potatoes are often used in diet and when feeding children. Less commonly, he is served as a side dish to the main dish. This recipe is basic. If desired, you can add sugar, honey, jam or salt and acute spices.

Trout with Bulgarian pepper in the oven

The fish goes well with the Bulgarian pepper not only to taste, but also in the time of cooking, because they are baked almost simultaneously. I suggest you try such a wonderful trout recipe. I advise pepper to take smaller and different colors - for the beauty of the presentation of the finished dish.

Classic pearl barley porridge on water

Boil a delicious and crumbly pearl barley porridge is very simple. Soak the cereal for the night, use a ceramic pot with a thick bottom and exactly observe the actions described in this recipe!

Pancakes from pumpkin and oatmeal

Tasty, bright and healthy! Prepare such pancakes for breakfast or serve for lunch with your favorite sauce. If you follow the figure, just add a dish with a light vegetable salad and a healthy snack is ready. Ready -made pumpkin puree will help to save time.

PP pancakes from oatmeal flour

Write down this recipe in your culinary notebook. According to it, you can easily prepare pancake pancakes from oatmeal flour. At the same time, it is not even necessary to switch to proper nutrition. You can cook such pancakes, for example, if you want to add more useful dishes to your diet.

Drado with potatoes and eggplant

The optimal recipe is when you need to feed the whole family or guests. There is a fragrant baked fish, and a hearty side dish of potatoes and eggplant. In addition, the drado is traditionally baked entirely, so you don’t even have to waste time cleaning the fillet or complex cutting on the same portioned pieces.

Trout with tomatoes and soy sauce

If you are looking for a quick, simple and daily recipe for trout - this option with soy sauce and tomatoes is just that. Firstly, this is a pleasant alternative to a classic combination of fish with lemon and herbs. Secondly, due to tomatoes and spices, trout acquires an even more delicious shade.

Salad of seaweed, beets and green peas

Make your food more diverse! Add useful salads from sea cabbage to the diet! First you can try this simple recipe. Beets for him will need vinaigrette. If vegetables are not sweet enough, add sugar.

Cottage cheese casserole with sea buckthorn

Sea buckthorn is not only a tasty, but also an amazingly useful berry. My family simply loves her, so in the fall it often happens on our table. Recently, I prepared a curd casserole with sea buckthorn. You just have to try it!

Gorbusha with green peas in the oven

It is very easy and convenient to bake a pink salmon in the oven immediately with a side dish. But this side dish first needs to be selected. I offer such a dietary and very useful option with green peas and broccoli. If the broccoli is fresh, first weld the inflorescences for a couple of minutes in boiling water so that they are definitely baked. This is not necessary with frozen.

Whole trout with vegetables in foil

So that the whole trout, and even with vegetables, is evenly baked - cook it in foil. You can wrap it completely or build a small boat, as in the photo. So the temperature is better and more uniformly distributed throughout the dish, and in addition, all the juices that are released in the process are preserved.

Gorbusha with Bulgarian pepper in the oven

Gorbusha with Bulgarian pepper is one of my favorite combinations when I want to bake fish with vegetables. Therefore, today I want to share the recipe with you. Moreover, this is a very light and simple dish even for beginner cooks. If desired, you can also add tomatoes.

The compote from apples

For many, this drink is familiar from childhood. The summer compote from apples was often served in kindergartens and school canteens, our grandmothers and mothers cooked it at home. It's time to deal with recipes ourselves. Looking in advance, I will say: everything is extremely simple.

Perch with lemon in the oven

Sea perch is baked according to the same principle as any other fish. The best spices for him are lemon, salt and pepper, and if desired, a couple more twigs of fragrant herbs. But if you doubt and worry what to do so that it is all evenly baked and not dry, then in the recipe I will tell in detail and in stages about every step.

Chicken meatballs

This recipe will probably appeal to all lovers of dietary dishes! The chicken meatballs themselves are a little fresh, so there are two secrets: spices and sauce. I really like to serve them with a sweet and sour sauce, sweet chili or teriyaki. Try and experiment!

PP hot dog

From most diets, proper nutrition is able to enjoy your favorite dishes, adjusting them according to the recommendations. You will be surprised, but you can even cook a hot dog. And in prove my words today, I will tell the recipe for this snack.

Apple juice through juicer

It would seem that it can be difficult to prepare apple juice through a juicer? But here there are several important points. For example, so that the chopped fruits do not get dark, they must be immediately sprinkled with lemon juice. Further about everything in more detail.

Culinary recipes for vegetarians with photos - simple and tasty!

The hardest thing when searching for vegetarian recipes is finding something that is really clear and detailed. Especially if you have recently become a vegetarian and are preparing such dishes for the first time, and still have no idea what the result should be in the end. Uncertain quantities of ingredients, complex processes, lack of time guidelines - all this can kill enthusiasm in the bud. That is why on my website I collect step-by-step recipes with photos and all the details of each stage of preparation. This is much more convenient and easier even for experienced cooks, let alone beginners! You no longer have to figure out the details yourself and doubt the future result!

I will tell you about recipes for vegetarian dishes for all occasions and you will understand that even plant foods have a lot of recipes and tastes. Hundreds of quick and easy recipes, first courses, main courses, salads, appetizers, desserts and baked goods - each recipe comes with a photo of the finished dish. And each new step is described in detail down to the smallest detail. My goal is to collect not just a large catalog of culinary recipes, but a lot of really useful and practical instructions for vegetarians like me!