Cooking recipes for vegetarians

2290 recipes
Stew with chicken in a slow cooker

Cooking stews with chicken in a slow cooker is even more convenient than in any other way. It is enough to prepare everything, choose a suitable program and time, and then the slow cooker will do everything herself. You can not even monitor the process. I share the recipe!

Salad with squid, sea cabbage, carrots and cucumbers

A delightful salad will be liked even by those who are usually indifferent to seaweed. In combination with squid and juicy vegetables, it turns out much tastier! If desired, you can add a clove of garlic, a little vinegar or lemon juice.

Sevich salad with shrimp

Sevich is a Latin American dish that has become unusually popular all over the world. Each country brought its changes to the recipe, making it even more interesting and original. I bring to your attention a salad with shrimp on this topic.

Cottage cheese casserole with blueberries and lavender

Surprise your family with an original breakfast: prepare a curd casserole with blueberries and lavender. An unusual dessert with a delightful aroma will appeal to everyone. You can decorate it with fresh berries, chocolate icing or bright sprinkles.

Baked salmon in soy sauce

Soy sauce is an excellent addition to any red fish, and the salmon is no exception. You can add it separately or use it as a marinade. It is the last option that I propose to try this time. Moreover, in a short time that fish is baked, soy sauce will definitely not burn.

Chicken legs with vegetables and green peas

Even chicken legs can be turned into a healthy dietary dish, although most often fans of PP prefer breast fillets. I share an excellent low -calorie recipe with vegetables and green peas in the sleeve in the oven.

Chicken with barley porridge in pots

Many undeservedly ignore the porridge of barley, and in vain. I tell you how to cook it so that the whole family remains delighted! Of course, it will be with meat and vegetables, and even baked in pots.

Chicken and blueberry salad

Ready to argue that you will try such a fantastic salad for the first time! Still, a chicken with blueberries-to put it mildly, a non-banal combination. But you can’t even imagine how tasty and unusual it is! No wonder berry sauces have already become a traditional addition to any meat. And if you have a grill frying pan, then it's just perfect.

Cabbage with chicken and vegetables in pots

If you like stewed cabbage, I propose to cook something similar in pots. Add chicken and other vegetables - and now a full -fledged main dish is ready that does not need additions. Baked cabbage retains the perfect moderately soft texture.

Pumpkin and chicken salad

Chicken with pumpkin is one of the best combinations. Especially in the season, when there are a lot of pumpkin, and you can experiment with different varieties and tastes. Protein, greens and healthy vegetables - and what else is needed for an excellent salad?

Yellow plum compote

In the summer you often want to drink. In order not to buy sweet water, cook delicious drinks at home. A great option would be a compote of yellow plum. You can cook it in a matter of minutes, and so that it has cooled faster, put the pan in a basin with cold water.

Salad with green peas and Mozarella

A salad with green peas and Mozarella is preparing in a matter of minutes from what was found in the refrigerator. This is a great variation on the topic of basic vegetable salads for a holiday or for every day. I advise peas to take fresh or frozen.

Baked cod with vegetable mixture

When there is absolutely no time and effort, but I really want to prepare a full dinner, I make a cod with frozen vegetables. A fish with a side dish does not need any special training. In fact, you only need to put everything in the oven and choose the right temperature over time. Great solution in just 20-30 minutes!

Avocado salad, sea cabbage and cucumbers

If you have not yet prepared salads with seaweed, I advise you to start today. These beneficial dishes will make up for iodine deficiency and the charge of the body with vigor. In addition, they will surprise you with an original taste. Make sure for yourself by preparing this salad.

Vafley PP in Multipecar

It turns out that it’s not so difficult to prepare a waffle PP in a multipecar. There are several recipes. I like to knead the dough on low -fat cottage cheese with apple puree. So that there are no lumps, the finished mixture I pure the submersible blender.

PP pigeons

The adapted version of the popular dish differs little from the original, and all because most of the ingredients used are the requirements of proper nutrition. Read this recipe for PP pigeons and make sure you yourself.

Shrimp salad, tomatoes and pineapple

Want to surprise everyone with an unusual dish? Prepare a salad of shrimp, tomatoes and pineapple. Moreover, the last ingredient will also play the role of a plate. Buy a whole pineapple, other products on the list and get down to business!

Seafood salad, sea cabbage and fresh vegetables

If you like seafood, be sure to try this recipe! Squids, octopuses will suit both boiled and pickled. In both cases, it turns out incredibly tasty. I advise the sea cabbage to use clean without additives.

Fruit salad with yogurt in the melon

A fruit salad on the table looks bright and beautiful always. It can be served in transparent bowls, cups and plates. But the dish will look much more original in the melon. Cut it in half, remove the pulp and the “plate” is ready.

Kurin roll with oranges

I recommend such a beautiful and fragrant chicken fille roulet in foil or tightly wrapping it in parchment. So heat is more uniformly distributed, and the meat is equally baked from all sides. In addition, under the foil you can put sprigs of herbs for aroma.

Culinary recipes for vegetarians with photos - simple and tasty!

The hardest thing when searching for vegetarian recipes is finding something that is really clear and detailed. Especially if you have recently become a vegetarian and are preparing such dishes for the first time, and still have no idea what the result should be in the end. Uncertain quantities of ingredients, complex processes, lack of time guidelines - all this can kill enthusiasm in the bud. That is why on my website I collect step-by-step recipes with photos and all the details of each stage of preparation. This is much more convenient and easier even for experienced cooks, let alone beginners! You no longer have to figure out the details yourself and doubt the future result!

I will tell you about recipes for vegetarian dishes for all occasions and you will understand that even plant foods have a lot of recipes and tastes. Hundreds of quick and easy recipes, first courses, main courses, salads, appetizers, desserts and baked goods - each recipe comes with a photo of the finished dish. And each new step is described in detail down to the smallest detail. My goal is to collect not just a large catalog of culinary recipes, but a lot of really useful and practical instructions for vegetarians like me!