Carrots for Vegeters

127 recipes
Vinaigrette with pickled mushrooms

Somehow I did not have enough salty cucumbers, and I tried to cook vinaigrette with pickled mushrooms. It turned out even tastier than usual. Since then I have often been preparing according to this recipe. I’m even preserving mushrooms for the winter specifically for this salad!

Borshchit gas station with cabbage in banks for the winter

Borshchit gas station greatly facilitates the process of cooking borsch. Having spent a little time in the fall, in winter you cook your favorite fragrant first dish in a matter of minutes. Open the jar, add to the finished broth and boil for 15 minutes. Your borsch is ready!

Homemade carrots in Korean

When it comes to a festive menu, all housewives remember Korean carrots. It is not surprising - the dish is budgetary, tasty and very simple. I offer my home cooking recipe!

Korean salad with tsukini

Juicy and bright tsukini are great for the preparation of Korean salads. But I advise you to get a grater or shinkling in advance, which makes a thin long noodles out of vegetables. So it turns out more beautiful and tastier.

Peking cabbage salad with bell pepper and carrots

Tasty salads are obtained only from high -quality ingredients, so always use fresh and juicy vegetables. I share my favorite salad recipe with Beijing cabbage!

Vinaigrette with green onions and garlic

A light salad of boiled vegetables can be prepared differently. Someone loves more salty or sharper, and someone likes just a classic recipe. I propose to try vinaigrette with green onions and garlic. It can be served with pasta, fish or meat.

Fast salad of cabbage, carrots and cucumber

For this recipe, you will need a grater for Korean carrots or a special tire. The whole secret is in the same thin cut of cabbage, carrots and cucumbers. The salad is very juicy, delicate and light.

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Carrot vegetarian dishes - recipes with photos (step by step)

It is believed that the carrots first began to grow in Afghanistan, and by the 10th century it got into Europe. But recently, scientists believe that it all started even earlier - about 4 thousand years ago. In any case, the healing properties were first appreciated, and only then people discovered a wonderful taste of carrot dishes. And today it is a universal vegetable base for soups, stew, stewed meat and fish.

On its basis, sauces and frying are made, it is canned and pickled, carrots are prepared in Korean. Among the dishes of carrots are many interesting and useful desserts, such as cupcakes and carrot pies. Its juice is used as a natural dye, and the tops are added to salads and soups. The stew, honeycomb and any other vegetable dishes cannot be imagined without an orange vegetable.

It goes into pilaf, rice with vegetables, in paste and winter blanks. Carrots are miraculously combined with pumpkin, nuts, honey, seeds, ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves.