Carrots for Vegeters

127 recipes
Vinaigrette with Korean carrots

Do you like light vegetable salads? So you will definitely like the recipe for vinaigrette with Korean carrots. The dish is simple and very tasty, but most of all I like it that the sharpness can be adjusted by adding different carrots.

Stewed pp cabbage

Stewed cabbage - the dish itself is quite useful and hearty. If you adhere to proper nutrition or sit on a diet, use less vegetable oil, adding more water. Supporters of healthy lifestyle will certainly appreciate this low -calorie dish!

Vitamin salad made of Beijing cabbage and carrots

You can cook salad even from the simplest products. For example, Beijing cabbage, carrots and a little greenery were lying around you. From these ingredients, a very tasty vitamin salad will already be obtained. I tell you how I cook it!

Vegetable broth with carrots and herbs

I want to share the simplest and most basic recipe for vegetable broth with carrots and herbs. This is a universal basis for further preparation of soups and sauces. Suitable for everyone, including vegetarians, children and adherents of proper nutrition.

Beetroot Korean salad

We have long been accustomed to Korean carrots, but what about the Korean beetroot salad? Such an original recipe will definitely not leave indifferent, so I advise you to definitely try it at least once!

Cabbage salad with carrots and bell pepper

If you like sauerkraut, Korean carrots and kimchi, then you will definitely like this salad. It seems that cabbage salads can no longer be surprised, but my recipe will cope with the task. Be sure to try to cook it!

Dietary vegetable soup

If you want something light and dietary, feel free to choose this vegetable soup. Its secret in the diversity and variability of the ingredients. You can use any vegetables in any combinations to your taste. I share my favorite option!

Unusual vinaigrette with fried onions

Many do not add onion to the vinaigrette, because then after a time a specific smell is manifested in the salad. But it is easy to solve this problem - prepare a vinaigrette with fried onions. Such an insignificant detail actually plays a very important role!

Vegetable canapes on skewers

Surely on your festive table there is also a separate place for vegetable slices. I propose to be inhabited and at the first opportunity to serve it in the form of such bright canapes on skewers. Guests will be delighted, I guarantee!

Curly cabbage, apples and carrots

Curly cabbage kale is an ingredient that is often undeservedly ignored in our latitudes. But still, it is increasingly caught in stores, which means it's time to experiment with recipes. Here is such a wonderful salad with apples and carrots.

Vegetable stew without potatoes

I present to your attention an excellent recipe for stew without potatoes. To give vegetables the necessary sourness, I add lemon juice. But this is not necessary, especially if the tomatoes are sour.

Cabbage stewed with champignons

If you are on a diet, follow the post or just do not want heavy food, you will definitely like the stewed cabbage recipe with champignons. It is simple, fast and inexpensive. I advise you to prepare the dish in a deep pan or Kazan.

Classic zucchini caviar

Even among a large assortment, it can be difficult to find in stores perfect zucchini caviar. Either I do not like the color, then density, then taste. It is better to cook classic caviar from zucchini yourself. Moreover, it is very simple!

Vegetable stew with beans

Every day in the diet I try to add more vegetables. I cook soups, make salads, bake and, of course, I prepare all kinds of stew. Of the latest recipes, I really liked the vegetable stew with beans. Simple, satisfying and useful!

Vinaigrette with pickled onions

A little free time and imagination - and now the usual vinaigrette turns into an exquisite treat! At the same time, the classic set of products does not change, and a crispy pickled beam gives the vinaigrette piquancy and original taste.

Red lentil soup

This recipe is convenient in that it is prepared quickly, simply and from available products. The red lentil, unlike other legumes, does not need to be soaked and cook for a long time, it is boiled in just 5 minutes. And, despite the simplicity of the ingredients, the soup is thick, hearty and very tasty.

Spicy carrot salad for the winter

It is best such a spicy salad from young delicate carrots. It is sweet, crispy and even more soaked in a piquant marinade. To taste, the workpiece resembles something between Korean and sauer carrots.

Cucumbers in Korean for the winter without sterilization

In order for Korean vegetable snacks to be stored longer, most recipes involve additional sterilization. I do not like all sorts of troubles in the kitchen, so I found a good recipe for cucumbers in Korean without sterilization. I hasten to share with you.


With the onset of cold weather, vinaigrette is prepared in each house. For many, it is associated with frosty air, a white snowstorm and beautiful patterns on the window. There are a huge number of options for cooking salad, but today I will tell the most classic recipe to vinaigrette!

Lobio in a pot

If you are tired by an endless cook of dry beans, try to bake it in pots. Firstly, this is faster, because in ceramics everything is baked evenly from different sides. Secondly, it is also tastier, because baked dishes always win the boots.

Carrot vegetarian dishes - recipes with photos (step by step)

It is believed that the carrots first began to grow in Afghanistan, and by the 10th century it got into Europe. But recently, scientists believe that it all started even earlier - about 4 thousand years ago. In any case, the healing properties were first appreciated, and only then people discovered a wonderful taste of carrot dishes. And today it is a universal vegetable base for soups, stew, stewed meat and fish.

On its basis, sauces and frying are made, it is canned and pickled, carrots are prepared in Korean. Among the dishes of carrots are many interesting and useful desserts, such as cupcakes and carrot pies. Its juice is used as a natural dye, and the tops are added to salads and soups. The stew, honeycomb and any other vegetable dishes cannot be imagined without an orange vegetable.

It goes into pilaf, rice with vegetables, in paste and winter blanks. Carrots are miraculously combined with pumpkin, nuts, honey, seeds, ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves.