Cooking recipes for vegetarians

I love to roll up compotes for the winter, because it is very fast and simple. Even on hot days, you can distinguish a little time, but with jam it will not succeed. I share a recipe for simple and fast plum compote. I like it more without bones - you can serve it like a dessert.

If you cut the zucchini with the thinnest ribbons before pickling, they are even more soaked in the taste and aroma of additives. The texture of the vegetable is changing, and at the exit you will get a completely different snack. And how can you resist such beauty, and even with honey and herbs?

At first glance, an inconspicuous salad will greatly complement any family feast. And all because the dish more diverse in textures still needs to be looked for. Crushing Beijing cabbage, juicy tomatoes, soft canned peas - perfect!

Sea buckthorn is a storehouse of all kinds of vitamins, trace elements and nutrients. By freezing this berry, you will be able to cook delicious and healthy fruit drinks at any time.

It is enough once to see a cream Sup of red cabbage in the photo to immediately want to cook it. So happened to me. And so I want to share a proven recipe with you. Just look at this fantastic color!

The easiest and most affordable recipe for fresh cabbage salad is at your disposal! I prefer to combine two types of cabbage in it - Beijing and white. And for beauty and aroma, add more chopped greens.

I want to share my favorite recipe for pickled bell pepper for stuffing. In winter, open a jar of a fragrant blank, drain the marinade and fill the whole hollow peppers with your favorite filling. Next, prepare stuffed pepper in the usual way.

Even without meat, a vegetarian borsch with beans turns out to be very satisfying and warming. This is the perfect recipe for the cold season, when you want something as dense and thorough as possible. By the way, in fact, he is quite dietary.

Salads with radishes and cucumbers are good that with their simplicity they always turn out a little different. Catch another option - with dill and fragrant sesame oil. You can add a few seeds as desired.

Great variation of the eastern salad is tabula, but with a piece instead of a bulgur. I also propose in addition to greens to add cranberries or other sour berry. The result is a very unusual culinary fusion.

Be sure to include pumpkin in your diet. If you do not like porridge, prepare juice from it. To do this, you don’t even need a juicer, everything is done with the help of a regular blender. A useful drink can be rolled up for the winter or drink at once.

Berry and fruit jam have long become familiar on our tables. When once again I wanted something new, I decided to try to cook it from the pumpkin. I share a recipe and result! A real find for long autumn and winter evenings.

Carrot-hot cookies are not only tasty, but also very useful. It is prepared without eggs and dairy products, and the amount of sugar and honey is minimal. Be sure to use carrots juicy, fresh and maximally sweet.

Who said the sandwiches cannot be a sweet snack? This option with peanut paste and banana breaks stereotypes. And this is a hearty full breakfast for tea or coffee. But keep in mind that it will be pretty calorie.

Why not cook vinaigrette with olives today? An interesting version of the classic salad will appeal to all lovers of olives. As an experiment, you can use olives stuffed with lemon, shrimp, anchose or tuna.

There is one very tasty dish in Belarusian cuisine - potato pancakes. There are many interesting recipes, but I like the option without eggs, sour cream and other additives. The taste of potatoes is then rich and pronounced.

Perhaps the simplest and most hearty salad with potatoes and beans that can be imagined. It is especially good with young potatoes, but it all depends on the season. I tell you what else to add for a variety!

In the summer, when there are no pickles yet, you can make a vinaigrette with small -salted cucumbers. Fortunately, it takes no more than two days to their salting, so you will not have to wait long. If the cucumbers are unsalted, then add them in larger quantities.

Such lean pancakes are tasty and fragrant, they are easily fried and not torn. In them you can also wrap a different filling, both sweet and salty. These are the simplest of all pancakes that I know!

One of the most unusual combinations among all that I tried is beets and strawberries. It would seem that they have in common? But in this simple and spectacular salad they are perfectly combined with each other. You can serve it one or a pillow of greenery.