Second Dishes for Vegetarians

To make the potato very delicate and bake well, cut it for this recipe by strips or small cubes. In the same way, I advise you to do with the chicken - and the dish will simply melt in the mouth!

Dorado is rarely cooked in the form of fillets, but still this happens. The most difficult thing is to correctly calculate the cooking time so that the fish does not dry out and does not fall apart. But I will help you in this difficult task. I very often bake this fish in the oven, so I’m already well oriented in all the subtle aspects.

Each housewife has his own secrets of preparing pilaf-someone uses unusual spices, and someone makes a frying in a special way. My friend is preparing a delicious pilaf with shrimp. It is light, but hearty and very fragrant. I am happy to share this interesting recipe with you!

Remember the taste of grandmother's porridge? Smooth on the stove, it turned out to be fabulously aromatic and tasty. The same appetizing dish can be prepared in a slow cooker. Try to cook buckwheat porridge in milk according to the following recipe and you will be pleasantly surprised.

Many associate pumpkin with sweet dishes. In fact, you can cook anything from it. And how amazing is the stew from turkey and pumpkin! This dish is considered dietary and incredibly useful. Be sure to try it!

Do your households refuse oat porridge? I bring to your attention a recipe that everyone will like it without exception. This oatmeal is prepared on water with the addition of milk. Porridge is moderately milk and light.

Most often, carp is baked in whole. But if you do not like or inconvenient - it can be prepared well. Cut the fish into steaks or separate the fillet - as you like best. And how to cook and not overdry the most delicate meat - I will tell you further in the recipe. Be sure to take the form more spacious so as not to fold the pieces on each other.

Not everyone knows how to cook crumbly rice porridge. Often, grains stick together, digest, lose their appearance and become tasteless. You can avoid this if you make rice in a slow cooker. Simplicity and taste of the dish are pleasantly surprising!

Sweet casserole can be prepared not only from cottage cheese or pasta. Try to bake it from millet. You can cook it in milk or water. In the recipe, I add raisins, it also turns delicious with dried apricots, apples or nuts.

Having prepared fish fillets with broccoli and corn for lunch or dinner, you can not cook additional anything more. Here you have meat and a side dish - all in one. The dish turns out to be full -fledged and quite satisfying.

Salmon with asparagus is prepared around the world, and not just like that. They are really very well combined, and also cooked at the same time. So I propose to immediately bake all the best together, and then I will tell you in detail how to do it.

Want to cook lush and high casserole? Try this recipe and the result will pleasantly surprise you. The reaction of soda with sour cream will give the desired volume and cottage cheese casserole will turn out to be airy. You can replace soda with the same amount of baking powder.

Such a chicken roll is easiest to bake in a special grid. So he holds the form perfectly and does not fall apart. But you can do with an ordinary culinary thread for strapping. Do not worry, it perfectly withstands baking.

Have you tried vegetable stew with fish? It is so tasty that I don’t want to return to the usual recipes with meat. Usually I use pike perch, pollock or cod, but if you want, feel free to prepare the stew with salmon or trout.

One of my favorite recipes for dietary meatballs, and all because chicken and cream seemed to be created for each other. An unusual aroma and beautiful color gives a spoon of paprika. If at home there is smoked - feel free to take it.

Today I don't want to stand at the stove at all? Use a slow cooker. I propose to cook buckwheat porridge with champignons. Fry mushrooms with onions, add cereals, water and do your business, and the slow cooker will cook everything yourself!

Hek is sold not only in the form of fillet, but also with whole carcasses. Usually - already cut and without a head, so just send them to the oven. I tell you how to cook such a fish. Just keep in mind that the baking time may change. The smaller the fish, the less she needs, so do not cross the delicate white meat.

It is easier and most pleasant to cook chicken roll in the oven. This is very convenient and easy, because you do not need to constantly monitor the condition of the meat and the process as a whole. It is enough to choose the right temperature regime and just leave the dish at rest - the oven will do everything itself.

Banans have long lost the status of exotic and became available at any time of the year. For this reason, I often add them to different dishes. My recent favorite was a sweet nursery oatmeal in milk with a banana. It is very tasty and simple, try it!

Previously, I rarely got a beautiful omelet. But then I tried to cook this dish in a slow cooker. The first time the omelet was lush and beautiful. And what to say about the taste! I don’t cook it anymore in the pans.