Vanilla sugar dishes for vegeters

The beauty of the preparation of any jam is in its simplicity. Unlike jam, such a delicacy does not require multiple breeds and cooling. Let's prepare the fragrant jam from your favorite pear variety? It is not only tasty, but also very useful. I share the recipe.

Unusual melon jam can be prepared according to this recipe. You need to cook it several times for 10 minutes for three days, taking large breaks. The more sugar add and the more veces you make, the more a fragrant melon treat will come out.

Do you know that lean cakes can actually be very diverse? And this lean chocolate cake is a clear confirmation of this. I propose to cook it with cherries - a traditional win -win combination. Cherry can be fresh or frozen.

You can talk as much as you like that smoothie is just a fashion trend. But besides, it is also a very convenient and useful snack in a glance. And personally, I am no longer ready to refuse them. I share my favorite recipe for pumpkin smoothie!

If you do not like jam and jams for sugary sweetness - this recipe is specifically for you. Choose acidic apples, complement them with a natural tart sourness of lingonberries - and you will get continuous pleasure.