Tomatoes for vegetarian tomatoes

83 recipes
Tomato soup-puree

Classic tomato soup will delight all tomato lovers. I advise you to serve it with crackers and decorate it with a twig of the basil. You can add cream or sour cream, and be sure to experiment with spices to taste.

Pickled tomatoes with cabbage for the winter in banks

If all kinds of twisting from tomatoes are already prepared, catch an unusual recipe in a piggy bank. Today we will prepare for the winter an original snack of 2 in 1 of cabbage and tomatoes. The marinade is simple, the result is excellent. The number of ingredients is indicated by 1 bank.

Lenten pizza in a pan

If you adhere to a post or just a vegetarian diet, this is not a reason to finally delete your favorite dishes from life. For example, such a pizza in a pan is prepared without meat, eggs and dairy products - on water and with vegetables.

Beans in tomato sauce for the winter

The beans in tomato sauce are a universal workpiece for the winter. This is an independent useful lean dish, a gas station and an excellent side dish to your culinary masterpieces. Such a home workpiece is definitely tastier than a store, and it will certainly appreciate vegetarians

Lecho from zucchini for the winter

Lycho from zucchini for the winter is a mandatory workpiece for lovers of vegetable twist. In winter, a delicious dish will be a good cold snack, it can be added to stewed meat and fish or served as a gravy to pasta and potato puree.

Speak vegetarian sandwiches

Sandwords with greens and vegetables will not surprise anyone. Therefore, I share one of my favorite recipes with spinach and purple onions. It is suitable for vegetarians and those who are constantly sitting on a diet. You can cook it even to children, but choose the onion with a mess.

Lenten stew with colored cabbage

During fasting, it is best to cook light vegetable dishes. Today I propose an interesting recipe for lean stew with cauliflower. Inflorescences are pre -boiled in salted water, so you will not have to extinguish the stew for a long time.

Bulgur with vegetables

Do you make a menu for a week? Do not forget to enter a bulgur with vegetables into it! This useful and hearty porridge is prepared even during the diet. The recipe provides a standard set of vegetables, which you can adjust to your liking.

Light salad of tomatoes and greens

Every day I try to include fresh vegetables in my diet. It is tasty, useful and on the table they always look very beautiful. I tell a simple recipe for light lettuce with tomatoes and all kinds of greens!

Dietary vegetable soup

If you want something light and dietary, feel free to choose this vegetable soup. Its secret in the diversity and variability of the ingredients. You can use any vegetables in any combinations to your taste. I share my favorite option!

Lentil salad with tomatoes

This is a classic oriental salad recipe for every day. In order not to spend a lot of time, boil the lentils in advance according to the instructions. The duration of cooking depends on the type, so pay attention to the packaging. It remains only to add tomatoes and herbs.

Vegetable stew without potatoes

I present to your attention an excellent recipe for stew without potatoes. To give vegetables the necessary sourness, I add lemon juice. But this is not necessary, especially if the tomatoes are sour.

Vegetable stew with beans

Every day in the diet I try to add more vegetables. I cook soups, make salads, bake and, of course, I prepare all kinds of stew. Of the latest recipes, I really liked the vegetable stew with beans. Simple, satisfying and useful!

Salad with chickpeas, vegetables and feta

This vegetable salad with chickpeas is light and fresh, but at the same time very satisfying. So that the chickpeas boil better and faster, soak it overnight in cold water. Otherwise, the recipe does not cause any trouble.

Classic guacamole with avocado

Little can be so useful, tasty and at the same time light as classic guacamole. Soft, fat, but delicious avocado in combination with other ingredients will be the best snack to your table. It is best to serve guacamole with the chips of the Nachos.

Tomato salad with onions and basil

Sometimes in pursuit of experiments and variety we forget about the time -tested classics. Such a salad will certainly decorate the festive table, supplement the barbecue on a picnic or potatoes with chopping for dinner.

Vegetarian borsch with beans

Even without meat, a vegetarian borsch with beans turns out to be very satisfying and warming. This is the perfect recipe for the cold season, when you want something as dense and thorough as possible. By the way, in fact, he is quite dietary.

Fresh salad with Beijing cabbage and radish

In the season of vegetables, I really want to have time to enjoy this variety of tastes. The easiest way is to prepare different salads daily. I propose to expand the assortment of familiar dishes and prepare a fresh salad with radish and Beijing cabbage.

Green salad with cucumbers and purple onions

The simplest home recipe for every day, a festive table or picnic. The salad turns out to be very bright and beautiful, but is prepared literally in a few minutes - it is enough to cut the cucumbers, tomatoes and onions, and everything is ready!

Peking cabbage and fresh vegetables

When there are fresh vegetables at hand, preparing this delicious salad is very simple. Moreover, you can serve it to anything: for fish, meat, porridge, mashed potatoes or pasta. And if you are on a diet, a vegetable salad should be in your diet!

Vegetry dishes from tomatoes - recipes with photos (step by step)

Even ancient Incas and Aztecs began to grow the first tomatoes and prepared tomatoes. In Italy, they were called a golden apple, and there they were really valued for gold for a long time. Tomatoes are canned, pickled, a thick tomato soup is prepared by Gaspacho and all kinds of sauces. They are always appropriate in stew, indispensable in vegetable soups, are used in the preparation of ketchups.

Tomatoes are a classic pizza filling and the basis for many popular Italian pastes. Tomato dishes are amazed by variety due to the number of varieties. Red, yellow, black, green, cocktail, pepper -shaped - it is simply impossible to sort through all types. Many of them are significantly different in taste, from completely sour to completely sweet.

Some varieties are best suited for the preparation of juices and tomato paste, others for conservation, and others for salads. Even desserts and sweet tomatoes are prepared. And they are stuffed, baked, wrapped in lavash and even used in cocktails!