Ground cinnamon dishes for vegeters

Will we prepare homemade jam from pears with the addition of cinnamon? Use it as a filling in baking - households will definitely not resist such a treat. A dense, rich, fragrant jam of pears will be very useful for winter family tea drinks.

The beauty of the preparation of any jam is in its simplicity. Unlike jam, such a delicacy does not require multiple breeds and cooling. Let's prepare the fragrant jam from your favorite pear variety? It is not only tasty, but also very useful. I share the recipe.

When you want something gentle, but warming-a peach jam with a ginger perfectly solve this problem. Taste is perfectly balancing and complement each other. In the recipe I offer my favorite proportions, but you can change them to your taste.

I want to share the recipe for a unique “dry” apple jam. Apple slices baked and dried in the oven have the taste of real jam. Such a treat flies instantly in winter! In a family where there are children, such a workpiece must be!

Canned cherries in its own juice will have to be in the winter. I add it to butt pies and other pastries, sculp dumplings with cherry filling and even use to prepare fragrant compotes. I will share this simple recipe with you.

The end of summer and the beginning of autumn is the time to collect late varieties of tomatoes and their harvesting for the winter. Today I want to offer you an interesting recipe for tomatoes canned with apples. It turns out very tasty and fragrant. I advise you to choose small dense tomatoes.

The best way to prepare dense currant jam, while spending a minimum of time on cooking is to add agar-agar. His plus before the gelatin is that he is of plant origin, which means that he is suitable even to adherents of a strict vegan diet.

If you at least once prepare a home ketchup, the desire to buy a sauce in the store will definitely disappear. Very tasty and fragrant, this ketchup can even be children! To the potatoes, barbecue, any side dish - but what the soul wishes! The recipe is simple, and the ingredients are affordable.

Vegetarian cheesecakes have long been not a myth, but reality. Catch a great recipe from soy cheese tofu with a banana. Of course, they have a completely different taste and consistency, but such a dish deserves attention! By the way, it will do not only vegetarians, but also lovers of diversity.

A very original addition to banal pearl barley porridge is carrots and dried fruits. Moreover, I recommend that carrots take a young one so that it is as juicy and sweet as possible. This recipe is for all owners of multicoars and fans of proper nutrition in one person.

If you like sweets with nuts, they can even be made at home. They will also be quite high -calorie, but much more useful than any store. This is a very tasty dessert and at the same time a good healthy snack. I share my favorite recipe with almonds and sesame seeds.

Apples, raisins and cinnamon are often found in baking and cottage cheese desserts. But why not cook them separately, without something superfluous? For example, you can bake them in the oven, and then I will tell in detail how to do it correctly.

It is difficult to surprise someone with ordinary store chips. Moreover, they always have a lot of fats, flavors and additives. But the homemade is a completely useful and universal appetizer. Especially if you prepare them from what more interesting - for example, from a battal.

If you like sauerkraut, Korean carrots and kimchi, then you will definitely like this salad. It seems that cabbage salads can no longer be surprised, but my recipe will cope with the task. Be sure to try to cook it!

Bananas are very well and harmoniously combined with nuts, including almonds. Therefore, they can be safely combined and prepared so healthy, nutritious and very tasty mousse. Great fast dessert for all occasions!

Pumpkin is a very useful vegetable and it just needs to be included in the diet of children. But what if the child does not like such dishes? Prepare a delicious dessert from it. Add sweet honey and fragrant cinnamon. It is very difficult to resist such a dish.

Fragrant chips from apples are simultaneously a snack, a dessert, and a quick snack for every day. They occupy an honorary high place among the favorite snacks of our family. Try it - and you can never look at store dried fruits again!

You can talk as much as you like that smoothie is just a fashion trend. But besides, it is also a very convenient and useful snack in a glance. And personally, I am no longer ready to refuse them. I share my favorite recipe for pumpkin smoothie!

If you try at least a piece of carrot cake, then fall in love with it forever! Stunning air dough, enchanting aroma and beautiful warm color. Is this not the most important for dessert? Catch my favorite recipe.

A fragrant apple kurd is very tasty, delicate and healthy. Kurd is perhaps one of the simplest desserts that everyone can prepare. I propose traditionally add a little cinnamon and, possibly, other spices to taste.