Carnation dishes for vegeters

I want to share a simple proven recipe for pickling mushrooms for the winter. Canned forest mushrooms will decorate any festive feast. It is impossible to resist the appetizing jar of pickled mushrooms! I highly recommend trying!

Mistresses know the recipe for their ideal universal marinade for their favorite blanks. But what, if you move a little from the traditional recipe and preserve green peas in the spicy marinade with spices? Let's experiment, it is not at all difficult!

Many people love pickled mushrooms. Today I want to share with you the simplest recipe for pickled signals. The recipe without sterilization is simple and fast. Mushrooms are obtained tasty, fleshy, to taste something similar to champignons.

Most recipes for canned patch beans are long and tiring. But I have a secret that will help you significantly speed up the process! You can purchase the same secret ingredient at any pharmacy - this is just aspirin!

Pickled forest mushrooms - an exclusive workpiece and decoration of any festive table. Today I will tell you a recipe for delicious pickled mushrooms with garlic. Serve the mushrooms to the table with fragrant vegetable oil, onions and fresh herbs.

Pumpkin dishes in winter are not only a gastronomic pleasure, but also the salvation of your mood. Her bright sunny color pleases and warms with one appearance. Most often, sweet blanks are made from pumpkin, but I have another option.

If you at least once prepare a home ketchup, the desire to buy a sauce in the store will definitely disappear. Very tasty and fragrant, this ketchup can even be children! To the potatoes, barbecue, any side dish - but what the soul wishes! The recipe is simple, and the ingredients are affordable.

A salad of purple onions and rosemary only seems so simple. This is one of the most universal snacks that can be prepared in general for the winter. I advise you to stock up on for the future and serve separately or add to other dishes.

Why preserve beets for the winter, if you can buy it year -round at any store? This is so, but we will harvest boiled and already cleaned beets, which in winter can immediately be put into business, bypassing the stage of prolonged cooking. Agree, conveniently!

In winter, there are constantly not enough colors, and you have to add them to life on your own. I offer a great way - a colorful workpiece of yellow tomatoes. It is enough to get a jar from the closet - and now the mood is a little better!

Canned mushrooms - the decoration of any festive table. I propose to prepare pickled oils for the winter. This recipe is quite simple and does not imply sterilization. Take only freshly combined mushrooms for conservation, in which you are 100% sure

It is difficult to find a person who does not like canned forest mushrooms. Such a workpiece is the center of attention on the festive table. Prepare the mushrooms correctly and enjoy the excellent taste of snacks without risk to health. I share a recipe for pickled oils.

What could be tastier than pickled white mushrooms? Such a workpiece will not leave your guests indifferent and will become the center of attention on any festive feast. Before serving, cool the jar of mushrooms, pour with vegetable oil and sprinkle with fresh dill.

Each hostess has its own ways to pickle onions. It would seem that it could be easier and what are the pitfalls here? But in fact, there are still nuances, especially if you are preparing this snack for the first time. For example, with purple onions, there are its own characteristics.

I love to roll up compotes for the winter, because it is very fast and simple. Even on hot days, you can distinguish a little time, but with jam it will not succeed. I share a recipe for simple and fast plum compote. I like it more without bones - you can serve it like a dessert.