Apricot dishes for vegeters

3 recipes
Apricot jars-five

Apricot jam with sun slices in transparent sweet syrup was always cooked by my grandmother. A slice of fresh bread with a fragrant treat, and with a glass of fresh milk ... Beautiful memories come from childhood! I share my grandmother's recipe.

Apricot compote for the winter without sterilization

A fragrant apricot compote is a simple and fast workpiece, which is 100% useful to you in the cold winter. The drink will like children and adults, diversify the menu and remind you of a hot summer. Suitable for both the festive table and for every day.

Apricots in syrup for the winter

Apricots in syrup are one of my favorite blanks. I use fruits for pies and other desserts, and also add to fruit salads. I like to impregnate cakes for cakes with syrup. In general, there are a lot of use options, I advise you to try!

Apricot vegetable dishes - recipes with photos (step by step)

Of course, bright aromatic apricots are very tasty and useful in fresh form. They ate even in antiquity, especially in China, from where they later got to Armenia, and already further into other countries. The spread of the fruits and the first dishes from the apricots was contributed by Alexander Macedon himself. Then they first began to be dried, sluggish and prepare different desserts. Apricot dishes are rich in vitamins and fiber.

The fruits themselves are still used in medicine and cosmetology, and in some regions they are even considered Aphrodisiac. Soft pulp, moderate juiciness, moderate sweetness - all this made the ingredient universal. In the east, even bones are used, which resemble almonds to taste. The most popular apricots dishes are baking, souffle, marmalade and jam. They make excellent sweet and sour sauces, and dried chopped fruits are added to spices.

Apricot juices and compotes refresh on a hot day. Syrup is ideal for impregnating cakes. And fresh fruits are added to meat, to vegetable storage and pilaf. Prepared from apricots and alcoholic liquors or tinctures.