Sesard dishes for vegeters

15 recipes
Dietary sandwiches with avocados

More dietary sandwiches are difficult to come up with! There is nothing superfluous here: only a pure avocado taste, fresh grain bread and favorite spices. An ideal breakfast for those who are fighting extra pounds.

Humus from white beans

The traditional humus is prepared from legumes, and these legumes can be any. For example, I really like to make it from white beans. He gets a fairly neutral taste and a simple pleasant shade is a pleasure.

Muhammar with garlic and sesame seeds

The classic Muhammara has bright orange or red, because the main ingredient is sweet red pepper. The more spectacular in contrast all kinds of additives look. This time I propose to supplement the recipe with sesame and garlic.

DIY dried fruits and nuts

The easiest and most win -win way to prepare home sweets is to make them from nuts and dried fruits. They are tasty, satisfying and healthy. This is not only a great dessert for tea, but also a full -fledged sweet snack in a hurry.

Humus from peas

Traditionally, Humus is made from chickpeas, but it can be replaced with ordinary stab peas. The recipe is not much different from the classic one. Pre -soaked peas are also boiled and crushed with the rest of the ingredients in a blender.

Funchose salad and young green peas

For this recipe, young green peas in pods are best suited. It can be fresh or frozen - it will still turn out well. In the recipe, I will tell you what else to add to it and how to cook funchosis.

Carrot and wood mushroom salad

For this recipe, choose wood mushrooms popular in Asian cuisine. For example, Shiitaka. It is very convenient to cut them with thin strips, and they are delightfully combined to taste with carrots.

Sweets with almonds in sesame seeds

If you like sweets with nuts, they can even be made at home. They will also be quite high -calorie, but much more useful than any store. This is a very tasty dessert and at the same time a good healthy snack. I share my favorite recipe with almonds and sesame seeds.

Red cabbage with onions

Red cabbage even turns the simplest salads into a real festive dish. For color contrast, I propose to use green onions. And if desired, you can add a handful of canned corn or finely chopped red pepper.

Human humus from lentils

The classic basis for Humus is chickpeas, but nothing prevents us from experimenting with different legumes. For example, my family liked such a humus from the lentils. Especially if you supplement it with fragrant spices.

Salad with celery, apples and radish

In such a simple at first glance, the salad mixed with the features of such different culinary traditions. The result was a completely new and unusual dish of celery, radishes and apples. It will adorn the festive table and diversify the everyday diet. Be sure to try it if you follow the proper nutrition.

Classic Humus from Chick

Contrary to the stereotypes, the classic Humus is not a Jewish, but an Arabic dish. Although I will not argue that now it has long been rooted in both traditions. A traditional snot is prepared from chickpeas, and only then you can add something to it to it.

Sandwords with avocado and chili

If you do not like complex solutions and many different ingredients mixed, a sandwich with avocados and chili flakes - exactly what you need. I advise you to add a little sea salt, sesame seeds and greens to taste.

Carrot-hot cookies

Carrot-hot cookies are not only tasty, but also very useful. It is prepared without eggs and dairy products, and the amount of sugar and honey is minimal. Be sure to use carrots juicy, fresh and maximally sweet.

Green salad with cucumbers and purple onions

The simplest home recipe for every day, a festive table or picnic. The salad turns out to be very bright and beautiful, but is prepared literally in a few minutes - it is enough to cut the cucumbers, tomatoes and onions, and everything is ready!

Vegetry dishes with sesame seeds - recipes with photos (step -by -step)

One of the oldest oilseed crops, familiar to humanity - to Sesam. It is from it that the sesame is prepared for us today - small and healthy aromatic seeds. Moreover, these seeds are of different colors, but it all depends only on the region and the conditions of growth. To taste and benefits, they are completely identical. The birthplace of thermophilic culture is India or Africa, scientists have not yet agreed.

In the 18th century, sesamens became popular in America. It is very appreciated in Japan, Korea, China and in the Far East - there the seeds go to any snacks and main dishes. Snum sesame, but rich in calcium, proteins and useful amino acids. The seeds have a sweet-naughty taste, which is revealed even brighter after the frying. The sesame oil has a concentrated specific smell, so it is added as an aromatic supplement to salads or noodles.

In Korea, even his spicy piquant leaves go into sesame dishes. In the Middle East, a tachine paste is made of seeds - the basis of most local desserts and snacks. Humus, gravy, sauces, grilling and baklava are prepared from it. In addition, sesame seeds are added to panic for meat, fish or fried vegetables!