Rowan dishes for vegeters

1 recipes
Red mountain ash

Red mountain ash is a delicious treat that has many beneficial properties. In the cold season, tea with aromatic mountain ash jam will be a great help for immunity. How to cook red mountain ash? Pretty simple.

Rowan vegetarian dishes - recipes with photos (step by step)

Scarlet brushes can be found in any yard and even in large cities. The unpretentious tree grows perfectly on its own in temperate and northern latitudes. Since ancient times, the dishes from the mountain ash have appreciated for their healing properties and a specific bitter taste. There are many different types of this berry, and the most common of them are ordinary, Crimean, grenade, non -infinite and yellow -fruited.

Among all the berries, the mountain ash would deservedly fall into the top most useful! The mountain ash itself is sour-mild, a little tart and astringent. Therefore, it is first shedded or harvested after the first frosts. This makes the fruits sweeter and more tender. Then they make jams, jam, marmalade, jam, fruit drinks, compotes, alcoholic liqueurs and tinctures from them.

The berry goes into the filling of pies and sauces, used instead of seasoning, well shades meat and stewed vegetables. The mountain ash is even pickled and soaked.