Dishes with ground pink pepper for vegetarian

2 recipes
Spinach salad and pumpkin

The pumpkin for this salad is best frying on the grill, but you can bake or cook in any other convenient way. Of the cheeses, I prefer Fetu or Brynza. But I advise you to leave the spinach unchanged - it turns out beautiful and tasty.

Grill salad with mushrooms and tsukini

This recipe is best suited for picnics when you need a fresh vegetable snack, and there is just a grill on hand. However, mushrooms and tsukini can be prepared in a pan. An interesting highlight of this recipe is a freshly ground pink pepper.

Vegetry dishes with ground pink pepper - recipes with photos (step -by -step)

This one of the main components of the usual mixtures of spices can be used independently. Dishes with ground pink pepper are distinguished by a balanced and moderately burning taste with light sour and sweet notes. Smolish aftertaste can be read. They receive this spice from Peruvian or Brazilian pepper, which were originally grown for decorative purposes.

By origin, this is still the same pepper liana, densely strewn with red clusters of the berries, which then pickle or dried to a state of already familiar peas. With ground pink pepper, meat and fish dishes are best obtained. It well emphasizes the taste and aroma of the main ingredient. Moreover, dry peas almost do not smell, but if they rub them, they are revealed in all its glory.

We advise you to grind the pepper right before use so that the smell does not disappear. You can add a little salt or sugar to it - and so the taste of a dish with ground pink pepper will be even more saturated!