Vegeters apple sap

2 recipes
Muffins without gluten

The most diverse muffins can be adapted to any preferences and needs. For example, they are very easy to cook without gluten. This is a good option for those who avoid it, and for everyone who just likes to try something new.

Lenten charlotte

In this recipe, eggs and milk are not used. Nevertheless, a lean charlotte is very tasty. Many prepare it even if there is no need to limit themselves in nutrition. Try this recipe and you will replenish the ranks of its fans.

Vegeterian dishes with apple juice - recipes with photos (step -by -step)

Apple juices delight with a pleasant sourness, expressive taste and diversity. Moreover, the result depends on a specific variety - sour or sweet. The simplest and most obvious use is marinade for meat and poultry. Fresh fruits, and with them fruit juices are rich in organic acids that soften fibers of meat. Barbecue or baked piece of meat will be juicy, fragrant and tender. The first dishes with apple juice are also common.

In small quantities, it is added even to borsch or okroshka, if you want to give a light sourness. In the Scandinavian countries and Hungary, sweet fruit soups are known. In addition, excellent sweet and sour sauces are made from apple juice, especially to chicken or rice. Of these, icing for desserts and baked dishes is obtained. Of course, you can not ignore cocktails, home tinctures and soft drinks.

Dishes with apple juice are much more diverse than it seems first!