Onion dishes for vegeters

1 recipes
Dolmio sauce at home for the winter

If you like Italian cuisine, then this recipe is specifically for you. I propose to prepare for the winter the delicious Saus Dolmio, which is perfect for paste, pizza and climbing. Dolmio, cooked at home - the best alternative to store sauces!

Vegeterian on onions - recipes with photos (step -by -step)

You can talk a lot about the universality of certain ingredients in cooking, but on onions will win any competition. The vegetable is rich in essential oils, on which its sharpness depends. It is combined with any other ingredients - meat, poultry, mushrooms, fish, vegetables. Onions are used as a spice in the preparation of blanks for the winter.

It is added to salads, soups and main dishes, a basic roaster with carrots, pepper or tomatoes is prepared from it. It gives juicy minced meat and any ugly fillings. Among on onions, there are more original recipes from onions. For example, the famous onion soup that is so fond of France. The vegetable is added to broth and sauces, dried in spicy mixtures, pickled, salt and even caramelize.

It is beautifully blurred during frying and gives not only the aroma, but also a pleasant golden color. To remove excessive bitterness, it is enough to pour the onion with water for a short time. Litezing dishes are available in any season, because it is stored without problems all winter.