Sorrel dishes for vegeters

1 recipes
Canned sorrel for the winter

In my kitchen, sorrel is not a frequent guest. Once they gave me a whole armful of this plant, and it was urgent to come up with something. I decided to prepare for the winter, preserving the taste and benefits as much as possible. In winter, I used it for green borscht, shingles and unsweetened pies.

Vegeterian dishes from sorrel - recipes with photos (step by step)

Despite a thousand -year history, sorrel dishes remain popular to this day. The variety of available greenery is now much larger, but sorrel still rises in the spring one of the first, which makes it an invaluable source of vitamins after the winter. The French were the first to appreciate fragrant sour leaves, and now it is used in the local kitchen along with cabbage or carrots.

We did not take root at all right away, but now green borsch, boutovini, cabbage soup and other traditional soups can not do without it. Only a few types of sorrel are used for cooking. In the middle latitudes, common sorrel is common or it is sour, but in Europe subalpine species are common. In America, nodule varieties are preferred, and in the Caucasus they prefer root.

Between themselves, they are distinguished by the view, shape, color and size of a deciduous outlet. The most popular sorrel dishes are fresh salads, green side dishes and original pies. It is added to sauces, okroshka, stewed vegetables and to sour meat. For the winter, sorrel is dried, frozen and canned.