Castis on onion on vegetarian

1 recipes
Guacamole with tomatoes and chili

If you like spicy Mexican cuisine, then you definitely tried the famous guacamole from avocado. I tell you how to cook it at home and what can be added. For example, acute chili pepper, fragrant sweet tomatoes and lemon juice.

Vegeterian dishes with onion-shawl-recipes with photos (step-by-step)

You must have met small oblong bulbs with a sweet taste and soft aroma. All this is a ball, which was once brought to Europe, Alexander Macedon. He was impressed by bright purple fruits, and then it turned out that it was also a delicacy. So he bought up the whole harvest with Persian and Egyptian merchants. Since then, many new varieties have appeared, and the colors of Shalot varies from almost black to white.

In comparison with onion, the onion is more delicate, with a complex and subtle aroma. In France, this is a popular spice, which is added to almost all traditional recipes. Marinades with Shalot are ideal for lamb, bird and game. The greens of this bow are appreciated for shaving the main product, but at the same time does not drown it out.

In soups, minced meat and stewed dishes, sharp varieties of onion are good, but sweet are ideal for winter blanks and snacks!