Pectin dishes for vegeters

2 recipes
Jem from a persimmon

Jem from persimmon is delicious and bright. I add it to baking and serve it to tea with pancakes and buns. From the specified number of products, approximately 4 small jars are obtained. Vary the amount of sugar at your discretion to achieve the perfect taste.

Mandarin ice cream

Citrus ice cream is a very interesting and unusual find. And even more so when it comes to mandarins, and not about more common lemons or oranges in cooking. Favorite winter delicacy of my family!

Vegeterian dishes with a pectin - recipes with photos (step by step)

Pectin is the very component that is found in large quantities in fresh fruits and berries. They learned about Pectin more than 200 years ago, when the French chemist first allocated it. A little later, its industrial production began as a separate powder or liquid. The best raw materials for obtaining pectin are squeezing apples, citrus fruits and beets.

Pectin is added to jam and jams, because with it they are preparing faster and turn out to be a more pleasant thick consistency. And you can add less sugar without prejudice to the quality of the product. Among the dishes with Pectin there are many other desserts. It is added to sweets, pastille, ice cream, and without it a marshmallow or marmalade would not be possible.

The same substance is used in the production of thick juices, ketchups and mayonnaise. The most universal for confectionery needs is apple pectin, but for conservation - citrus. Pectin dishes are not only thicker, but also more aromatic, because it helps to open even the thinnest notes!