Viburnum dishes for vegeters

1 recipes
Viburnum without bones

Preparing a jelly from viburnum for the winter is a good idea. This is a delicious dessert to the sweet table, and a real healing tool to maintain immunity in the cold season. I prepared different blanks of viburnum, but I like this recipe the most.

Vegetry viburnum dishes - recipes with photos (step by step)

From the early times, viburnum has been surrounded by a huge number of legends, beliefs and mystical stories. It is closely woven into the mythology of all Slavic peoples, so Kalina dishes have always been special. Scientists have counted about 200 species common in different latitudes, but the main habitat is the northern hemisphere.

Kalina is used not only in cooking, but also in medicine and cosmetology, but decorative varieties for decorating plots. Kalina dishes are distinguished by a specific tart taste, but this is what they are valuable. Morse, juices, compotes and jelly are prepared from it, added to the fillings and boiled amazing meat sauces. There are a lot of pectin in the berries, so they are suitable for the preparation of jam and pastille.

Kalina is widely used to decorate other dishes, and especially desserts and salads. It is added to the teas, insisting alcoholic beverages on it, and simply dried, sluggish or freeze for the winter.