Iceberg salad dishes for vegetarian

1 recipes
Fox salad and pumpkin

The pumpkin season is the very time when you want to use it everywhere. It is very tasty and fragrant, and what is one of its appetizing color! This time I propose to cook a pumpkin with mushrooms. And not just with mushrooms, but with the same bright orange foxes!

Vegeterian dishes with an iceberg salad - recipes with photos (step -by -step)

Fans of fresh greenery are well acquainted with the Iceberg salad. It resembles something between ordinary cabbage cabbage and deciduous greens. This variety has been bred in America, and since then it has been grown around the world. Under favorable conditions, small iceberg heads can be sprouted even on the windowsill. In addition, it is well stored - up to a month in the refrigerator.

So crispy and mouth -watering dishes with Iceberg salad will delight you for a long time! This is a low -calorie vegetable, which is included in the dietary diet. Salads are made from it, use beautiful leaves when serving snacks and just to decorate the table. In heat treatment, it significantly loses its benefit, so it is better to eat it fresh.

In order not to lose valuable juices, the leaves tear with their hands or cut with a sharp ceramic knife. Iceberg salad is harmoniously combined with light refueling based on yogurt, sour cream or kefir. But mayonnaise is not too suitable!