Dishes with green peas for Vegeters

9 recipes
Salad with seaweed, green peas and rice

Another simple recipe for fans of sea cabbage. The mouth -watering salad is simultaneously light and satisfying. Rice must be welded so that it turns out to be crumbly. To do this, it is best to use breakdown grains.

Vegan soup with peas and vegetables

Do you share vegan views on life? Especially for you, the next recipe for pea soup with vegetables. Products of exclusively plant origin are used. The soup turns out to be rich, fragrant and very tasty.

Funchose salad and young green peas

For this recipe, young green peas in pods are best suited. It can be fresh or frozen - it will still turn out well. In the recipe, I will tell you what else to add to it and how to cook funchosis.

Peking cabbage salad, cucumbers and peas

In the cold season, salads with Beijing cabbage are especially popular. They are prepared quickly and simple, and the necessary ingredients can be bought at any store for an affordable price. I share a recipe with cucumbers and canned peas!

Vegetarian salad Olivier

In fact, the vegetarian olivier is very much different from the classic one. You just need to take into account a couple of little things and resolve the issue with refueling. But the basis remains the same, and read the details further in the recipe.

Unusual vinaigrette with fried onions

Many do not add onion to the vinaigrette, because then after a time a specific smell is manifested in the salad. But it is easy to solve this problem - prepare a vinaigrette with fried onions. Such an insignificant detail actually plays a very important role!

Pea soup with young peas and herbs

For this recipe, I use young peas, even with pods. And I add as much greens as possible, any - from dill with parsley to the basil of mint. Great spring alternative to winter rich first dishes on dry peas!

Peking cabbage salad and canned peas

At first glance, an inconspicuous salad will greatly complement any family feast. And all because the dish more diverse in textures still needs to be looked for. Crushing Beijing cabbage, juicy tomatoes, soft canned peas - perfect!

Vinaigrette with green peas and beans

I really love and often cook vegetable salads. They can be served to meat, fish or as the main dish for a snack. Today I am sharing the recipe for vinaigrette with peas and beans. If you have dry beans, soak it in advance and boil it in salted water.

Vegetry dishes with green peas - recipes with photos (step -by -step)

Among the ancient recipes in the world, a place of honor is occupied by dishes with green peas. This is a very old bean culture that people have learned to cultivate one of the first. Naturally, since then there have been many new species and varieties that are much more familiar to us today. Some of them are better suited for conservation, others for freezing, and the third are good fresh in pods.

Dishes with green peas are rich in useful plant proteins and complex carbohydrates. They saturate well and are quickly absorbed by the body. Frozen peas practically does not change to taste and texture, so it will save from the winter deficiency of vegetables and vitamins. Brave is good in the form of side dishes, mashed potatoes or in cream-soups. It is added to ordinary soups - for example, in spring vegetables on light chicken broth.

Peas will be appropriate in any stew or other vegetable dish. It is added to salads and snacks, and also make a baking filling out of it. In the end, dishes with green peas become not only tastier and more diverse, but also much brighter!