Podchkoy beans for Vegeters

1 recipes
Vegan soup with peas and vegetables

Do you share vegan views on life? Especially for you, the next recipe for pea soup with vegetables. Products of exclusively plant origin are used. The soup turns out to be rich, fragrant and very tasty.

Vegeterian dishes made of patch beans - recipes with photos (step -by -step)

Sometimes I want to diversify potatoes, cereals and other familiar side dishes. And then dishes of patch beans come to the rescue. With timely harvesting, the beneficial legumes remain soft and quickly prepare. This is a healthy vegetable protein that is perfectly absorbed by the body. On a vegetarian diet without a patch beans cannot be dispensed with. And when growing, it pleases with a plentiful harvest in response to minimal efforts.

Picking beans are made of whole or chopped pods. This product tolerates frost well and does not lose its properties, so it remains affordable all year round. Culinary uses green and yellow varieties, and most often yellow is slightly softer. They don’t eat raw beans - first you need to boil it in boiling water for at least a couple of minutes. Or cook steamed - so it will retain color, but it will become softer.

Podchki beans are fried, baked and extinguished in sauces. It is combined with eggs, sour cream, mushrooms, garlic, spicy pepper, soy sauce and aromatic greens.