Dishes with grape vinegar for vegeters

1 recipes
Dolmio sauce at home for the winter

If you like Italian cuisine, then this recipe is specifically for you. I propose to prepare for the winter the delicious Saus Dolmio, which is perfect for paste, pizza and climbing. Dolmio, cooked at home - the best alternative to store sauces!

Vegometric dishes with grape vinegar - recipes with photos (step -by -step)

Since people fell in love with grapes, even the sour wine immediately found its application in cooking. It is from it that grape vinegar is made, without which it is almost impossible to do today. It is curious that wine and balsamic vinegar is its varieties, but it is not entirely the same thing. When buying a finished product, you can notice a slight sediment in a bottle - this is normal. The acid content ranges from 5 to 9%.

There are home grape recipes - based on dry white wine, which is twice. Or from grape squirrels - pulp, which should be transferred with water and sugar. Ready grape vinegar is often included in dietary dishes, because acids in its composition contribute to fat burning. Its taste is more tender and nicer than that of apple, so we advise you to pay attention to gas stations and marinades.

Vine vinegar makes meat and poultry softer, contributes to the absorption of fatty foods. It is especially common in Mediterranean cuisine!