Dried fruit dishes for vegeters

3 recipes
Bars with nuts and oatmeal

Such energy bars are a delicious dessert and an excellent everyday snack. At the heart - oatmeal and nuts. On the one hand, the treat is quite high -calorie. And on the other, you will not eat it much.

Pearl barriers with carrots and dried fruits in a slow cooker

A very original addition to banal pearl barley porridge is carrots and dried fruits. Moreover, I recommend that carrots take a young one so that it is as juicy and sweet as possible. This recipe is for all owners of multicoars and fans of proper nutrition in one person.

Baked apples with dried fruits

Baked apples are a favorite childhood treat for many. But why forget about him? I propose to prepare a delicious and beautiful dessert from baked apples with dried fruits. For decoration, cinnamon sticks and stars of the Badyan are ideal.

Vegeterian dishes from dried fruits - recipes with photos (step -by -step)

Thanks to an expressive concentrated taste, dried fruits were loved all over the world. It seems, everything seems to be dried. Moreover, this can be done in a natural and industrial method, and with the help of special household dryers. Kuraga, Uryuk, prunes, raisins - who does not know them? Dry cherries, cranberries, barberry, currants, apples, pears, figs, dates, bananas and persimmon. Something-the whole, and something-first cut with plates.

Very good dishes from dried fruits of exotic origin. Mango, Thai melon, kiwi, pineapple, papaya - all this can be purchased in a store or make blanks yourself. Dry fruits are added to cereals, desserts, flakes, dry breakfast and yogurt. They make fillings for pies and cook aromatic compotes. Ground dried fruits can be used instead of spices. Berries, dried apricots and prunes perfectly complement meat and other main dishes from dried fruits.

They are also added to salads and other snacks - just for a variety.