Currant leaves for vegetarian leaves

3 recipes
Cucumbers with pepper for the winter in banks

Each housewife has its own, proven, recipe for crispy pickled cucumbers. If you want to try something new, this recipe is for you. In the workpiece, several tastes of vegetables are amazingly combined, and all of them perfectly complement each other.

Yellow tomatoes with zucchini for the winter

In winter, there are constantly not enough colors, and you have to add them to life on your own. I offer a great way - a colorful workpiece of yellow tomatoes. It is enough to get a jar from the closet - and now the mood is a little better!

Cucumbers in their own juice for the winter

Recently I discovered a new recipe - salty cucumbers in their own juice. Any fruits are suitable for the workpiece: both young and overripe. Grind large cucumbers into the cucumber mass, and use the small ones entirely. It turns out very tasty, I recommend!

Vegetry dishes with currant leaves - recipes with photos (step -by -step)

Currants are so valuable and useful berry that since ancient times, people have used not only its fruits, but also leaves with branches. They made decoctions and lotions of them, and over time they appreciated the taste of dishes with currant leaves. Now they go to all kinds of conservation and workpieces: to cucumbers, tomatoes, pepper and zucchini. This gives the marinade an unusual taste and aroma, and also prolongs the shelf life.

A very interesting dish with currant leaves is an ordinary berry jam. Only instead of ordinary syrup on the water, he is boiled on fresh leaves, and then the technology is the same. Dry leaves go to tea and herbal collections, and in chopped form - in a mixture of spices. Those who are not afraid of culinary experiments, we advise you to try stewed and baked dishes with currant leaves - vegetables, meat, poultry!