Dishes with cucumber brine for vegetarian

1 recipes
Holocaum with cabbage for the winter in banks

Calcular and fragrant, cabbage hodgepodge will not only diversify your table in winter, but also fill the body with vitamins and useful trace elements. Serve to the table as a hot side dish to the main dish or as a cold snack. Agree, it's convenient!

Vegetry dishes with cucumber brine - recipes with photos (step by step)

Cucumber brine is not only a refreshing and invigorating drink after a fun evening, but also a great basis for a brine, okroshka and other first dishes. On the brine, they make light and airy dough for pancakes, lines, cakes, buns and bread. Fragrant gingerbread and cookies with an unusual piquant aftertaste are made from it. And how good it is to pickle chicken or pork for barbecue in the brine!

In snacks and main dishes, cucumber brine is added as a gas station. They make homemade mustard and other sauces from it, a fragrant herring is pickled in it. It is not for nothing that the cucumber brine was not poured even in the old days, and the one that stood all over the winter was considered the most delicious!