Cream dishes for Vegeters

1 recipes
Cream Cream for Cake

An interesting feature of the Contepak cream for the cake is that it is suitable for vegans and for a lean diet. The fact is that for its preparation, fatty vegetable creams are used, and not cream of animal origin.

Vegeterian dishes with cream - recipes with photos (step by step)

Since people learned to extract milk, the first cream appeared. So they called a layer of milk fat, which is collected on the surface of milk a few hours after milking. They quickly learned to use it to prepare the main dishes, and then began to whip oil from it. Since then, the technologies for obtaining cream have been significantly improved, and now you can choose products of different fat content and with different purpose.

They are added to coffee and other drinks, prepare cream liqueurs, desserts, creams and a variety of sauces. Dairy cream is delicate and slightly sweet, and the higher the fat content, the more sweets are in taste. This is due to the content of lactose in the composition. You can also purchase lactose cream - especially for people with intolerance.

Other sour -milk products are made of cream, add them to soups and main dishes, beat in lush foam for decoration. This is an important ingredient in most creams and mashed potatoes. They bake meat, vegetables and fish, add to salad gas stations, make ice cream. Cream dishes are very harmonious and balanced, because they can muffle excessive sharpness or salt!