Cilantro Dishes for Vegeters

21 recipes
Vinaigrette with pickled mushrooms

Somehow I did not have enough salty cucumbers, and I tried to cook vinaigrette with pickled mushrooms. It turned out even tastier than usual. Since then I have often been preparing according to this recipe. I’m even preserving mushrooms for the winter specifically for this salad!

Vegeterian dishes with cilantro - recipes with photos (step by step)

Spicy and fragrant dishes with cilantro bring the long -awaited diversity into the diet. In our latitudes, parsley and dill are much more popular, but even they gradually get bored. And then the coriander comes to the rescue, he is cinza. Moreover, the green part of the plant and its seeds are used as a finished spice. For the preparation of dishes, several varieties of cilantro are grown - from softer to sharp.

Some of them can be diluted even in indoor conditions. The cilantro is rich not only in vitamins, but also with valuable essential oils that give its expressive aroma. At the same time, dried spices significantly lose both taste and aroma, so dishes with cilantro are most often prepared with fresh leaves.

Such recipes in Georgian, Caucasian and Mexican cuisine are especially popular, where Cilanthouses are added to almost all snacks and main dishes!