Cardamomon dishes for vegeters

1 recipes
Marinade for peas for the winter

Mistresses know the recipe for their ideal universal marinade for their favorite blanks. But what, if you move a little from the traditional recipe and preserve green peas in the spicy marinade with spices? Let's experiment, it is not at all difficult!

Vegeterian dishes with cardamom - recipes with photos (step -by -step)

In India and in the depths of Asia, for a long time this precious spice was kept secret, but during the seafarers, Cardamon still became public. Gradually, he ended up in the Netherlands, and then to other countries. But the most valuable varieties are still grown only in their homeland, due to the specifics of the climate. The fruits of Cardamon are collected unripe so that they retain as much taste as possible with drying.

For cooking, several varieties of cardamom are used. Green - simply dried in the sun, white - processed with gray, black or Nepalsky - a large regional appearance with a different aroma and aftertaste. The boxes are spicy, sharp, with recognizable notes of camphor, but it is better to break them only before use, otherwise the smell quickly disappears. For many dishes with a cardamomon, fruits are used entirely.

It is added to fish and seafood, in sauces and marinades, in warm potato salads and pea soups, and also in rugs, biscuits and Christmas gingerbread. And the mulled wine is not at all without cardamom with cloves and cinnamon!