Basol dishes for vegeters

7 recipes
Spinach salad and canned beans

For this recipe, I advise you to use canned beans and the same canned olives. Great tasty, hearty and very fast salad, if you have a pack of spinach and a handful of juicy tomatoes.

Cinema salad and vegetables

Kinoa with vegetables is not the most obvious combination, but nevertheless it is definitely worth your attention. This is a very original recipe in the traditions of oriental cuisine. It is necessary to serve the salad cold, so let it cool.

Lean paste from beans

Usually sandwiches are prepared with sausage and cheese, but these products are prohibited in fasting, so you have to look for an alternative. A worthy option would be a lean paste from beans. A hearty snack quickly and for a long time eliminates hunger.

Beans and crackers

For this hearty home salad, I prefer to use store crackers with spices. So it turns out much tastier and more convenient. The beans also need ready - canned or boiled.

Greek snack with beans for the winter

Today we will prepare a delicious and bright vegetable workpiece for the winter - a Greek snack with beans. Such a snack greatly diversifies your menu in the winter, will become a full -fledged dish of a lean table, and also perfectly complement your first dishes and vegetable stews.

Beans in tomato sauce for the winter

The beans in tomato sauce are a universal workpiece for the winter. This is an independent useful lean dish, a gas station and an excellent side dish to your culinary masterpieces. Such a home workpiece is definitely tastier than a store, and it will certainly appreciate vegetarians

Salad with beans and chickpeas

Legal salads are very popular among vegetarians. And among those who monitor food, controls the amount of protein and, in the end, just love beans. Catch one of my favorite recipes with several types of beans and chickpeas!

Vegeterian dishes from beans - recipes with photos (step by step)

Among the oldest recipes of different countries and regions, beans are often found. Not surprising, because its story has more than 7 millennia, and the seeds have been repeatedly found when excavations in a variety of corners of the world. But South America is considered the birthplace of the popular bean, from where Christopher Columbus officially brought it to Europe with his other finds.

The nutritional properties of beans were quickly appreciated in other countries. Since then, dozens of new varieties and breeding hybrids have appeared. The easiest way to distinguish them by color is white, red, black, purple, green, brown. They differ not only in appearance, but also by the composition. Thanks to the neutral taste, beans are very convenient to use in cooking. It is combined with meat, poultry, vegetables, spices and herbs.

This is a useful and nutritious source of protein, which quickly saturates. The beans are dried and canned, added to salads and soups, served as a separate side dish or extinguished with vegetables. But you will not find a bean of beans in raw form - it is always boiled first. It can cook up to several hours, so we advise you to soak the beans in advance to speed up the process!