Asparary dishes for vegeters

2 recipes
Carrot and cauliflower salad

Such a salad with carrots and cauliflower is an ideal dish for vegetarians and fans of proper nutrition. There is no meat, a minimum of fat and maximum benefits. When baking, vegetables retain all their vitamins.

Vegetable salad with asparagus and mushrooms

The peculiarity of this vegetable salad is that all the ingredients must first be fried. This applies not only to asparagus and mushrooms, but also the rest of the vegetables. If you want to make the dish more dietary, bake them in the oven.

Vegetry dishes from asparagus - recipes with photos (step by step)

Despite the absence of at least some visual resemblance, asparagus is the closest relative of Luke. For a long time it was grown as a decorative plant, and still representatives of the Asparagus genus can be found in boxes or flowerpots on the street. But the dishes from the asparagus are also a valuable delicacy. The main thing is to prepare it correctly so that it remains crispy.

The taste of asparagus a little resembles beans, but at the same time it is softer and more tender, with herbaceous notes. Before cooking, the shoots are cleaned of the skin, tied in a bundle and then boiled in a small amount of water. Asparagus dishes have existed not so long ago - just a few centuries, despite the fact that the plant has been cultivated in ancient Egypt.

In the Middle Ages, almost no one was engaged in her, but gradually she again became fashionable, in particular - thanks to the Greek monks. Now dishes from asparagus are adored in Germany, France, Italy and Spain. Depending on the technology of cultivation and the timing of the harvest of asparagus, it is white, green, purple and pink.

She acquires a reddish tint when an overabundance of the sun, the white is very young, which only managed to appear from the ground. Green is the most common and universal.